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Huskies Off Lead


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Ok - it's been suggested to set up a thread so we can see the percentage of husky owners here who let their dogs off lead.




I've created the poll - please take a moment to vote on it - all votes are anonymous.



Edited by Emma:   Here is the link to the new poll. 


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I voted no. I did once in a tennis court in oxford but the door was tied shut and andys son wouldnt let anyone open it. Dog parks imo are a bit dodgy in case an eejit opens the gate and doesnt shut it. leads all the way for mine.

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The vast majority of my dogs I do not (and likely never will!) trust off lead out of their enclosed yard, which has a study 6' fence (and I don't leave them in it unsupervised for long). I have been blessed with several Siberians over the years that I could allow off-lead - under certain circumstances! Generally, that has only been in my yard on my acreage, where there is farmland all around, under supervision. I also know what dogs are more likely to be good about staying with me - and what dogs are NOT! - and watch for body language that tells me I need to remind them of what they're doing. Tux took off one winter day several years ago (found him at the neighbor's pig-manure pile - YUCK!), and I'm only now trusting him off lead on a limited basis again.

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As I've said before, I have a very unique situation in that I have access to several thousand acres where there are very few people so I can generally let Misty run. She stays around home, but when it cools off she'll go for a hike (and I have pictures from a friend where she was something like 5 miles away on a hike!) and generally is back before I have the opportunity to be too concerned.

that said: when I lived over in the Houston area Misty was NEVER off a leash of some kind. There were too many roads, too much traffic, too many "odd" people - I didn't trust her to come home or that someone might not just pick up the "pretty puppy"

If I ever give the impression that *I* think it's okay for a Husky to be off lead in 99.99% of the places I've been then you're misreading what I wrote.

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I voted yes only because I cant cast a vote more than once. Bayan is the only husky we have ever had we can leave off. Also probably the only one we ever will be able to. As a general rule I always say no and advise others also. But now and again a husky does pop up that has the sense to come back again, but very rarely :D I feel you have to know the breed, and the individual dog very well, before anyone can make an informed decision on the matter. Thats why I always just say nooo wowowowooo lol brings a song to mind :D

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I'd vote no, but thats because I have no husky, so I didn't vote.

But as others have said, it depends on the dog and situation, of course I would let other breeds (if mature and trained enough!!) off leash, but a husky would take a lot more consideration...

I'd only let a really really (REALLY) well trained dog out unsupervised, I've lost all to many that way :(


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:kimba2::kimba2:Hi when we first got luna we was worried about letting her off as we had heard and read that huskys are prone to not come back, so we got talking to other dog owners of different breeds and one owner of a golden retriever said to let luna off around his dog as she will probably just play with him, so we did and she happily chased and run with his dog, and we then started allowing her off more often and playing with other dogs in the park, we now always let her off and she runs from one end of the park to the other, lately she has been alone in there and she then tends to wander more, so we keep her on leash when there is no other dogs to distract her, but i believe letting her off has helped her socialise with other dogs, she plays really well with them, i personally think its how you train them, dont worry too much about what the books say, go by your own dog, you know them best.:wave1::huskyfall:
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