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Thinking of getting your 1st husky? Read this!

Val (Zebedee)

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Excellent advice Mick,


I would never advocate a Husky as a first dog, Whilst they are calm and placid and good natured they are also VERY high maintenance, from the exercising and keeping them entertained side of things.

Also I think a lot of people would advise having another dog for company, while the humans in his/her pack are out. They do not like being left alone even for short periods of time and can get incredibly destructive (what Marley did in the movie would just be an appetiser to this breed).

Perhaps you would be better served with a Labrador then moving up to an Alsation / German Shepherd before taking on a Husky.

Also you wouldn't be able to run with your Husky pup for at least the first YEAR as their bones need to become solid before that level of exercise, as a pup they should be allowed 5 minutes per day per month of age of hearty exercise.

Just a few things to consider. . . biggrin.gif

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I would just like to say that Tikaani is the first dog that I have ever owned and I am soooooo glad I got him biggrin.gif

Even though I have not personally owned dogs before I have had alot of experience with other peoples dogs (as a young child I used to walk my neighbours dog ALL the time!) and i also have always been around horses & the two seem to come hand in hand. My other half also owns alot of dogs so I have cared for them for the few years that we have been together.

I have always loved huskies and when I visited Canada quite a few years ago i saw some stunning dogs and that made me want one even more. I knew I would only be able to have one once I had my own house and plenty of room for a dog. I am a naturally active person so the exercise side of it didn't worry me. Once I actually came round to buying one I made sure I researched the breed throughly as well as breeders. I gained as much info as I could before I went ahead, I knew what I was letting myself in for!

I feel i have been really lucky with Tikaani as I have never had any problems with chewing or destruction (or anything else). He is such a loving dog and I never thought I could become so attached to an animal as I have to him smile.gif . He is my baby boy and a real joy to own. I have been away once for the weekend & really missed him,how sad! tongue.gif For both myself and my other half dogs are our life (as well as the horses) so it has been natural thing to spend alot of our time and activities centred around them.

But yes i do totally agree that for some people they are not the best idea for a first dog.

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Thanks for keeping the balance. . .so it is possible to have a Husky as your first dog. You just have to go in FULLY aware and dedicated.

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Thanks for keeping the balance. . .so it is possible to have a Husky as your first dog. You just have to go in FULLY aware and dedicated.

Yup totally agree

Kimba was my first ever dog however I read up on the breed first and I know that as a person I stick to what i believe in and strive to do everything i can to ensure my pets get the best out of life. My boys are treated better than the kids at times lol

Welcome to the pack :)

I would have a chat with your mum and dad - what happens when you leave home? Their life span can be up to 15 / 16 years, just another thing to consider :)

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Yup totally agree

Kimba was my first ever dog however I read up on the breed first and I know that as a person I stick to what i believe in and strive to do everything i can to ensure my pets get the best out of life. My boys are treated better than the kids at times lol

Welcome to the pack :)

I would have a chat with your mum and dad - what happens when you leave home? Their life span can be up to 15 / 16 years, just another thing to consider :)

well my dad wants one. he's the one told me to do research about the husky. my mom doesn't want one because she said i will have to take care of it cause you guys will get lazy.

i am very well committed to owning a husky. and im tiring to convince her. also is a 10 feet kennel good??

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A 10x10 kennel is fine, that isn't the issue. What kind of lifestyle do you and your family live? I ask this because sibes can be a handful, even if it isn't the first dog you've ever owned. Does anyone in your family like outdoor activities, even if it's just walking around. Also, are you (and family members) patient?

I grew up always having at least one dog in the family, and most of the time two. My first dog as an adult on my own was a sibe, and I never owned one before. He tested my patience quite a bit, just as my current pup is doing now. As long as you do your homework on the breed, as to know what to expect, by all means, go for it. But with that said, make sure you're dedicated to it, and don't give up.

The great thing (and I didn't have this with my first sibe) is this forum. There are a lot of people on here that can help guide you through the tough times. And when I say tough times, it really isn't that bad, as long as you sibe-proof (kinda like child-proof) your house.

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Also, if you already have a 10x10 kennel, great. If you don't and plan on purchasing one, purchase the type that are modular, meaning, you can add on to them as you see fit. The regular chain-link kennels aren't the greatest for sibes, because they can and will climb over them. I'd suggest getting one that you can add more sections on to, and the bars are tightly spaced vertical rails. This way, they can't squeeze through the bars, and they can't get a foot hold to climb them either.

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The regular chain-link kennels aren't the greatest for sibes, because they can and will climb over them. I'd suggest getting one that you can add more sections on to, and the bars are tightly spaced vertical rails. This way, they can't squeeze through the bars, and they can't get a foot hold to climb them either.

that is great advice, we looked into various types of material to enclose a husky run & yes, huskies can climb, so look in to the narrow set vertical railings to stop that, :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've owned 3 siberian huskies and all 3 were/are wonderful with my cats and I leave them alone with them all the time. Two of the 3 I didn't do a thing in the world to house train, they just never used the bathroom in the house. (weird I know) The other one was potty trained by the time she was about 3 months old and I got her at 7 weeks.

They are wonderful dogs and I will never NOT have a husky! The two I have right now are the loves of my life and they pile up with me and my rat terrier and my cat all in one big pile on the couch! We are a pack! A very ODD pack, but a pack nonetheless! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good read.

The breed isnt that hard to own IMO you just need to set aside or give up three hours of your day after work and dedicate

a full day of your weekend to working the dog.

Fantastic if you have no kids.

And for the shedding

it's crazy. I picked up a special husky brush for about 60 bones I will post later with some images.

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  • 1 month later...

i wish more people read this before getting a husky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some people get a really cute puppy and dont teach it anything and then 18 months down the line its 'oh they are too much' 'i cant handle them now' 'they pull too much'

and other people have to pick up the pieces!!!!!!

yay to everyone who takes the time to commit through thick and thin with their huskies and boo to those who give up too easily.

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Perhaps you would be better served with a Labrador then moving up to an Alsation / German Shepherd before taking on a Husky.

Just a few things to consider. . . biggrin.gif

We were considering a Lab until the wife spoke to a woman who owns both Labs and 1 Husky, she said her labs were far more demanding than the Husky was, the brother in law also has a Lab that is completely bonkers.blink.gif

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never seen this before-really good to read!!! +1

when i was younger i had a Alsation, then 2 years ago i had an 8week old JT pup which had to go and live with my ex's mum when we split up as it was much better for him as they had his sister too....

then ozzy came along-this dog has taken over my life, i have fallen completely and utterly in love with him and wouldn't change him for the world


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We were considering a Lab until the wife spoke to a woman who owns both Labs and 1 Husky, she said her labs were far more demanding than the Husky was, the brother in law also has a Lab that is completely bonkers.blink.gif

Lemme guess... Chocolate labs? They are usually to ones you find on the pet market as they dont make very good working dogs for just the reason above.. they are crackers! Iv known some really sweet ones but they are nutters the lot of um! LOL ALso have a tendancy to put on weight quicker than the other two colours as well apparently... also did you know that originally they came in black and tan aswell but because the solid colours were more popular the black and tans are now incredibley rare!

Im very interested in learning as much as I can about all dog breeds so love little tidbits like that! :)

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Lemme guess... Chocolate labs? They are usually to ones you find on the pet market as they dont make very good working dogs for just the reason above.. they are crackers! Iv known some really sweet ones but they are nutters the lot of um! LOL ALso have a tendancy to put on weight quicker than the other two colours as well apparently... also did you know that originally they came in black and tan aswell but because the solid colours were more popular the black and tans are now incredibley rare!

Im very interested in learning as much as I can about all dog breeds so love little tidbits like that! :)

The bro-in-laws thats nuts is black, the others are 1 black, 1 golden, but yeah they are all nuts, i think i've only ever come across 1 laid back one in my life, other than the older one's i've seen.

Had no idea they were black and tan. You learn something new everyday.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

erm - lol - Kimba is my first ever dog, and first ever Sibe - i'm not exactly one to post on this i suppose lol


I also think it depends on what you're like as a person as well smile.gif

haha Tai is my first dog too, I read up on the breed first and knew exactly what I was getting myself into - hes everything the books say, independently minded, soft as anything and full of energy, he makes for a very interesting and fun life lol. Oh and the shedding thing - WOW - the books arent exactly clear about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to get a dog to help me recover from depression.

I researched all kinds of dogs and decided on a husky as I thought the breed was just what I needed to get me going again. It was love at first sight when I got her. She is my constant companion and goes almost everywhere with me. She got on well with my cat and missed him terribly when he died in December.

The only disaster I had was when I left her alone once and she ate the valve off the end of a radiator and flooded my flat.

And the shedding thing is great. I keep a throw handy for visitors to be able to sit down when she is shedding. Spent about 5 hours in total yesterday grooming her, great bonding thing as she lies on the floor beside me and I just brush her until it stops coming out.

As for lots of exercise I am often ill or injured (8 weeks with injured back, just got over that and then dropped loft ladders on my foot) and can't get out for long periods of time she is really good and seems to know when I cant manage and becomes a couch potato with me.

She has been the best medicine for me in the last 3 years.

Do your research and be 100% sure you are ready for the commitment and they will be your best friend, constant companion and best medicine in the world.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

very imformative post for first timers this is.i have had my two for just over 4 years.never lived with a dog or owned a dog before i got ours.but i was adament i was getting huskies.wanted one ever since i was a kid and i did all my home work in them before hand.people dont realise how much different they are to a normal dog.but i was well prepared.my missus had lived with a springer and king charles when she was younger but even she wasnt prepared ha ha.i made sure i knew what was coming and delt with it.

4 years on.i love them more each day and would never give them up.they are well behaved indoors and minus not being able to let them off lead are very good dogs.

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