All announcements relating to the husky owners forum will be posted here. Please visit often.
Please note only staff can post topics in here
634 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Just a quick heads up to let everyone know that husky owners will be moving to a new server at some point soon. So you may see the site go down for some time All done
Last reply by pppittpeter, -
- 9 replies
As regulars will already know by now, it has come to the point where husky camp is no longer something that we are going to be doing as an official forum thing. This is something we have thought about, and has honestly been coming for a while. The 2 missed camps through covid, and the removal of main camp by the site we were using, has simply emphasised that fact. This and the fact we are getting to the point numbers are dwindling year on year, we have people who struggle to get about more, dogs who are getting a lot older in some cases, so even the walks at times are becoming more and more an issue. People now have children. As a history, camp started officiall…
Last reply by xLOBOx, -
- 7 replies
Incoming in just a few months! For those I'm friends with on Facebook you'll already know this but sharing here also as this forum is like a big massive extended family Only this new pack member is not the furry kind 💙 Baby boy due 3rd January 2022
Last reply by wolfpup, -
- 10 replies
OK guys, I know quite a few of you have been asking about next years dates for camp. The reality is, even though I know things are opening more, it doesn't actually put us in any better situation than we were in when I last posted. The rules that affect us have not changed in any way, and are not likely to any time soon. The reality is, we are still a group. We're not 2/3 people going on holiday somewhere. So with the above said, I'm going to post what the dates would be if it were to go ahead, but you need to read all of this before you decide on whether or not you want to book. READ THIS FIRST Wales rules -…
Last reply by Marc, -
- 9 replies
Welcome to the new look husky owners. Please bare with me if you find anything missing or any issues. Tapatalk mobile app as per previous announcements is no longer existing. There will be a replacement once Ive got it sorted.
Last reply by Marc, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Go to the Pita Pata website and sign in to your account. Click on the far right tab "My Pita Pata". This will give you a list of your tickers. Hover over the ticker you want to insert and click on "Get clicker code" There are a series of Tabs click on Image URL and copy the "Ticker URL". Now you have to go to your settings in your Husky Owners profile. Go to Signature. and paste the ticker, (if it says you have pasted in Rich text format change it to plain text) and your Pita Pata ticker should be there.
Last reply by Marc, -
Site update
by Marc- 2 followers
- 2 replies
Hi All, Just a quick heads up to let you know that for some time a revamp to the site has been in the works behind the scenes, which is almost ready to be launched alongside the updated version of our sites software. At some point in the coming days, you may see the site offline while its being updated
Last reply by BingBlaze n Skyla, -
- 4 replies
I will try to keep this updated as and when we know things, but Ive been asked multiple times now about camps later this year, and even next years. So to be clear, there will be no dates whatsoever for any husky camp set by us until we are 100% clear on whether it would go ahead safely. At the moment, its only from Monday that we would even be able to meet up at all in Wales (30 people max), and even then we have to social distance. Anything indoors is also only just opening. Some have only just managed to get refunds from last husky camp, let alone another one. We're not just a few people going on holiday. Like it or not we're a group gathering. To put this i…
Last reply by SamanthaClarkson, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, You will be happy to know that the husky owners mobile app is now working again. If you haven't got this already, you can download from the App Store (apple) or Play store (Android)
Last reply by ono, -
- 5 replies
So guys, we have a new feature on the site. Husky of The Month! Now before you say we already had that...... well ..... kinda. It was all done through posts and a manual job. Now however we have a full section dedicated to husky of the month entries and voting, which is automatically done. You will find a link in the menu for this. Please submit yourself an entry, and let us know if you have any problems of feedback. This months will be a generic photo one, so no theme Would love you take credit for this one, but all credit goes to Andy at who have kindly provided us with the application to do this.
Last reply by Jay, -
- 2 replies
I have just added giphy integration onto the site for you guys to use. This means there is now a 'gif' button in the editor you can use to look up GIFs directly from the giphy website, and add to your topics/posts
Last reply by Emma, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, Just to let you guys know, that tapatalk/mobile app, will soon be disapearing from the site. This is not to say something of this type will not return in the future, as it most likely will, however for the moment this will be being removed. If you are visiting on mobile, then you can visit the site directly within your browser, which is actually set up to be mobile friendly in any case. You can place a shortcut to that on your menu to save you going to the browser every time. If you are unsure on how to do that, please let me know and I will see if I can get some instructions together (will need to know what phone of course)
Last reply by BingBlaze n Skyla, -
- 8 replies
Happy 10th birthday husky owners! Thats right, today we are 10 years old. Hard to believe this place was started so long ago. Starting from Sarah saying she wanted to be able to "Meet a couple of people with huskies" we have achieved in the past 10 years Becoming the largest husky forum Funded members coming here from the US and the netherlands with competitions Been featured in national and local newspapers Been mentioned in radio broadcasts Held camps for 100+ people Ran meets in every corner of England, and had meets organised by others around the world Been through 4 different bits of software to get to where we are to…
Last reply by Jay, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, Just a quick request from you guys. If you dont mind, and you currently use facebook, please could you like our facebook page which you will find here? This will help the promotion of the site in general, and of course in turn, make this a more active place for you all to participate in
Last reply by Marc, -
- 5 replies
Yeah I know, you didn't notice. The site however has moved. Its moved from to just , however everything is redirected so it should be a pretty seamless move. We shall see. Needless to say if you see any issues let me know
Last reply by Emma, -
Goodbye Emma
by Marc- 4 replies
Well, not exactly goodbye LOL. Emma has decided to step down as moderator on the forum due to lack of time at the moment. Would just like to say thank you for your work on the site during your time as moderator Hope to see you stick around of course
Last reply by Jay, -
- 1 reply
If you're looking at the site and thinking "I'm sure that section was there", you are probably correct. I'm just rearranging some of the sections on the site.
Last reply by robke, -
Quick Chat
by Marc- 3 replies
I have now enabled a quick chat option at the top of the main page of the site. This will also show new posts as they are done, and is realtime(ish). Enjoy
Last reply by robke, -
- 1 reply
Added some caching to the background software. If anyone sees anything which looks to be out of date, or odd, please let me know. This should however just speed up the site in general.
Last reply by robke, -
- 2 replies
Whilst I doubt many will have notices much yet, the community software that we are using has just been upgraded to the new version. Whilst there are many bits which have been tweaked here and there, here are the highlights that you may notice on the site Subscriptions - The 'store' we had where sponsor subscription could be purchased has now been removed, and there is now a subscriptions section at the top of the site. This has been somewhat tidied up to make it a little more user friendly for those who do wish to subscribe to be a site sponsor. There will be more work done on that over time, and more to announce with regards site sponsors Announ…
Last reply by Marc, -
There are some updates to servers and the software going on over the next few days. If you see the site down at any point, this will likely be why. @robke will of course let me know within 15 seconds of it being offline or any issues of course The guy is like an error detection system
Last reply by Marc, -
- 1 reply
Anyone wanting to come along to this years camp in May is more than welcome be it for a 1 day visit / weekend or the full week. We would love to see new faces so come along All the details are here Any questions feel free to ask and member of staff who will be most will to help
Last reply by robke, -
- 8 replies
So, some of you have already noticed that the latest topic box is missing at the top of the site (yeah, I've put it back lol). We now however, we now have a better way for you to view! When looking at the site previously, you had one choice when you first came to the site. This was a list of the last 5 topics that have been responded to, and a list of all the forums you could view below them. For anything else, you are clicking around the site, selecting the activity stream or selecting 'new posts'. What we actually want to do when we visit the site most of the time is to see what is new, within the things we are interested in, right? Lets be honest, the only time…
Last reply by robke, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, Just a quick message to let you know that the mobile applications should now be working again. Please let me know if you are still having issues.
Last reply by devil_woman_24, -
- 6 replies
You will notice that since the upgrade the like icon has looked slightly different. I have now finished with these, and they are ready for use Reactions Reactions are now in place of the like system. Similar to facebook, you will now be able to add a reaction to a post, rather than just clicking like. You can do this by pointing at the icon where the like button used to be, which will give you the option to select a reaction of your own choosing
Last reply by Andy,