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Sometimes I Forgot


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Sometimes I forgot that I practically grew up in H-O, which clouded my judgment towards internet forums in general. I have always told people if you're unsure about something, there should be a forum for that. But sometimes I forgot that not all forums are as great as ours. Sometimes I forgot that the online world is full of mean, mean people saying mean, mean things. Sometimes I forgot.

When we join forums such as this one, the rule doesn't state you must be an expert. The rule will never state how many years of experience you need to hit that sign up button. The whole point of forums is to facilitate discussions so everyone can learn something new everyday - seasoned hobbyists and newbies alike. Sometimes we would have an opinion that we always thought to be true. But apparently once we throw it in people say it's inaccurate. That's fine, there's no harm in discussing it. And then there's the learning part again. But when someone gets a full-blown "wherever did you get that from?!" to a piece of information they threw into the discussion, nobody's learning anything. When the seasoned members threw thinly-veiled snide remarks to the new members because they apparently don't have a good grip on the forum rules just yet (what happened to clear communication?), nobody's learning anything. I joined this forum to learn. I join many others with the same intention. Nobody joins a forum to be yelled at for not being an expert. No forum should be yelling at people for not being an expert. Everyone should learn something new as they go, no matter how experienced or knowledgeable they are. But apparently, in most forums out there, you're not allowed to learn as you go. You either walk in a completely clueless noob, or an expert that is unable to say anything wrong. If you're in the middle, apparently, people will yell at you until you fit into one of either extremes. I never minded being corrected. That's how I learn. But there is no need to be mean about it either =\ 

end of rant.

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When I find a forum like that 'Liv I just don't go back.

This place set a standard that not many can match.

Those that are, are a pleasure to be a part of. 

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Oh wow, you've been having a bit of a rough ride there, haven't you!   l guess that's kind of a uniform problem with various online sites, you're always going to get one or two know it all's who will ruin it for everyone else.  Thankfully we don't get that here and for that i'm grateful.  :)

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I must say, that this forum is very friendly. Hey, they took me as a member.  I belong to some automotive forums, and they are vicious sometimes.  You have to choose your words very carefully, and hope what you have posted does not encite an undeserved bashing.  Not fun.  I have often said, this forum is a special place. It's like home.

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Which is why I so want another LOL can't decide if my next rescue should be a Husky or a non Husky. Technically once Dime comes over if I have the time and $, I'd have room for a second. That being said it felt sorta intimidating to approach a breed-specific rescue being a college student living in an apartment. Felt like I'm gonna get rejected right away :( 

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Just now, mydiamond said:

Which is why I so want another LOL can't decide if my next rescue should be a Husky or a non Husky. Technically once Dime comes over if I have the time and $, I'd have room for a second. That being said it felt sorta intimidating to approach a breed-specific rescue being a college student living in an apartment. Felt like I'm gonna get rejected right away :( 

I don't think a Husky rescue would reject you based on your knowledge of the breed and how good you take care of Dime!

If they do just send them on here and we would sort them out :D

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Which is why I so want another LOL can't decide if my next rescue should be a Husky or a non Husky. Technically once Dime comes over if I have the time and $, I'd have room for a second. That being said it felt sorta intimidating to approach a breed-specific rescue being a college student living in an apartment. Felt like I'm gonna get rejected right away [emoji20] 

Most rescues should treat all new adopters on a case by case basis , finding a dog that would suit you and your lifestyle , not reject you because of it

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Oh is that so? I thought people apply for a specific dog and then they'll figure out if you're a good fit. If not you get rejected.


edit: and most rescues don't see apartments as the best living space too =\

Edited by mydiamond
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Oh is that so? I thought people apply for a specific dog and then they'll figure out if you're a good fit. If not you get rejected.


edit: and most rescues don't see apartments as the best living space too =\

Over here that's how the husky specific rescues work it , I mean u can say u have an interes in a specific dog but if it's not a good fit they might have another dog that will be , I talked to a few when we moved in the flat n even talked to big organisations like dogs trust etc n none of them said no due to us not having a garden etc , so long as u can provide for the dog n take them out etc they can be fairly open minded

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