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thinking of buying a puppy thread


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Thank you so much for your information,


I'm 100%agree with you, however my brother got a husky puppy a few days ago without telling me anything, he's only 5 weeks and i'm only reading this after i got an one, 

I know that my brother should have thought it through. We live in apartment and we will not be having enough time for him since i have a job and he has a school, and i'm also not sure if he can take serious responsibility for it. There's just so much more.

Since my brother will never take him back and i can't make him to, i think i'll take that responsibility for this little one, i'll read everything that needed to rise him as a friendly and charming husky. 

And i'll apologize for taking in a husky puppy without knowing anything abt it and i'll do my best not to make any more mistake.


Please help me more in the future and thank you,


Yours sincerely,



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Thank you so much for your information,


I'm 100%agree with you, however my brother got a husky puppy a few days ago without telling me anything, he's only 5 weeks and i'm only reading this after i got an one, 

I know that my brother should have thought it through. We live in apartment and we will not be having enough time for him since i have a job and he has a school, and i'm also not sure if he can take serious responsibility for it. There's just so much more.

Since my brother will never take him back and i can't make him to, i think i'll take that responsibility for this little one, i'll read everything that needed to rise him as a friendly and charming husky. 

And i'll apologize for taking in a husky puppy without knowing anything abt it and i'll do my best not to make any more mistake.


Please help me more in the future and thank you,


Yours sincerely,



hi there, you will find a lot of helpful information here, and of course there are always people around to help answer any questions that you may have.

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hi there, you will find a lot of helpful information here, and of course there are always people around to help answer any questions that you may have.

thanks Sarah, and you already started helping me, :)

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Thank you so much for your information,


I'm 100%agree with you, however my brother got a husky puppy a few days ago without telling me anything, he's only 5 weeks and i'm only reading this after i got an one, 

I know that my brother should have thought it through. We live in apartment and we will not be having enough time for him since i have a job and he has a school, and i'm also not sure if he can take serious responsibility for it. There's just so much more.

Since my brother will never take him back and i can't make him to, i think i'll take that responsibility for this little one, i'll read everything that needed to rise him as a friendly and charming husky. 

And i'll apologize for taking in a husky puppy without knowing anything abt it and i'll do my best not to make any more mistake.


Please help me more in the future and thank you,


Yours sincerely,



I was like that too :) I came here crawling for help. I couldn't take it anymore. My dog is destroying my (parents') house, pulling on the leash like a freight train, running away from anything that moves too fast and is dealing with a ton of health issues. This forum helped me understand him, and be a better Husky owner in general :) Thank you for taking responsibility from your brother's shoulders. Thank you for caring so much for a little puppy you don't even want. You don't know how many people out there (here in my country) would simply chuck the dog inside a crate and wait for it to grow to be a perfect dog all by itself. So thank you for doing what you're doing x I don't have any hands-on puppy experience, but I'd help as much as I could. 

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I would like to add my experiences. When I got Kira I was told that she would grow up and eat my baby, kill my cats and eventually turn on us. I went out of my way to ensure she was over the top socialised. She is exactly a month to the day apart in age from my little girl born august and Kira was born September both on the 18th. My little girl can cuddle, pat, brush and walk Kira with no issues at all and they aren't even 2 yet. As for the cats. Well iv never seen a stronger bond than between Kira and captain. She will cuddle him all day every day if she could. They sleep in the same bed and everything. So my advice is. Don't let people cloud your decisions with their judgements from a stereotype they know nothing about in the first place and alway always take the support you are given from anyone and everyone in the husky world as they speak from experience and can be more help than anything. I was just very lucky that my best friend who guided me more than any one with my girl has 2 amazing huskies one of which is a rescue from the sspca.

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Aww that's a shame. We did have 2 cats but after I came through one morning to find my black cat trying to kill Kira she went to a new home with no other pets. This was after she had lived with the cats for 2 years without a problem. I did spend an unbelievable amount of time afterwords making sure that my other cat wouldn't do the same but it's their own personalities and these 2 don't clash

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  • 3 months later...

Greetings from Boston, MA!


I have searched for a community just like this, because I am completely obsessed with the Siberian Husky breed. Wolves are my spirit animal, and I think Huskies are the closest I'm going to get. I am searching for information on the best proper way for me to accomplish becoming a beloved husky owner, and hope that by chance, this community can provide me with the best tips and suggestions.


My heart breaks every time I go into a Pet Express and see dogs in the window, especially huskies, for sale for $2000.

I am wanting to be a responsible pet owner, obtaining an animal in the most humane way. I definitely want a husky puppy. Money is not a factor, but I refuse to use puppy mills and pet stores.


Anyone have any tips? I'll continue searching through this thread and forum.


Thanks all!

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Greetings from Boston, MA!


I have searched for a community just like this, because I am completely obsessed with the Siberian Husky breed. Wolves are my spirit animal, and I think Huskies are the closest I'm going to get. I am searching for information on the best proper way for me to accomplish becoming a beloved husky owner, and hope that by chance, this community can provide me with the best tips and suggestions.


My heart breaks every time I go into a Pet Express and see dogs in the window, especially huskies, for sale for $2000.


I am wanting to be a responsible pet owner, obtaining an animal in the most humane way. I definitely want a husky puppy. Money is not a factor, but I refuse to use puppy mills and pet stores.


Anyone have any tips? I'll continue searching through this thread and forum.


Thanks all!

I think it would be best if you would make a separate thread. It will be easier to help you this way, and you'll probably get more replies. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Agreed and make sure everyone avoids calling the fake adverts that start with 0703

Haha this happened to me when I was looking for a breeder. I know it isn't funny, but I can't help but laugh. I'm still blocking spam mail from my email and phone months later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A local rescue posted a great video on what to expect from a husky. It shows things that you can read about but may not believe until you see it with your own eyes if you've never owned one. Examples: digging a hole to China in the backyard, multiple huskies climbing over fences or opening doors (including round handle doors), and destroying couches.


It also shows just how MUCH fur there is on one of these dogs.


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  • 3 months later...

A local rescue posted a great video on what to expect from a husky. It shows things that you can read about but may not believe until you see it with your own eyes if you've never owned one. Examples: digging a hole to China in the backyard, multiple huskies climbing over fences or opening doors (including round handle doors), and destroying couches.


It also shows just how MUCH fur there is on one of these dogs.


Oh my gosh, I don't mean to sound harsh AT ALL, I love Nahla to death, but at the time I bought her I had NO IDEA she was going to be the way she is. I live here in Canada and we have harsh winters, because of the cold Nahla hasn't been at the park in 4 days to get exercise. I come in my living room and she ATE my leather couch :duh: This video is very much accurate. Thats just one incident.. shes been so bad lately. Please anyone, before you adopt a husky please make sure this is what you want. Can you handle a 2 year old for 14 years?

You have to remember that you need to choose a dog that fits your lifestyle, a husky needs an owner with an active lifestyle. Remember a bored husky is a destructive husky.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think huskies are beautiful, my husband and kids (6&9yrs) all want a husky. I'm a little hesitant for a few reasons so I'm asking you the experienced ones to give me the honest scoop on the breed.

I had a German Shepherd from 8wks to 14 when she passed. That dog was awesome on every level. It's been a few years and we're ready for a new family dog. I like bigger dogs for the home security and protection factors they lend to by appearance and nature. We live on 3 acres away from busy roads in a rural community. our daughters like to roam the property, go play at the creek etc and I would feel more comfortable knowing they have a dog with them. We have normal NW wildlife around like coyotes and Cougars.

I'm a stay at home mom and the dog would only be alone the random few hours here and there on shopping days etc.. I want a dog who can be left outside for a few hours and not run off or throw a fit. I want a dog I can if weather is bad leave in my home for a few hours and not come back to find it chewed to shreds.

I want a dog that will be protective but not attack anyone who comes up our road. One that is easy to train the basics.

My biggest concerns with a husky is I have heard because of their sled dog nature they are runners and are basically impossible to keep home, is this true? Our property is not fenced, I could do an overhead line or chain link kennel as a pup but ideally I'd like the dog to be able to be let out during the day to roam free and know it will stay close to home. Is this possible with a husky as I had with my GSD?

I've also heard Husky's are notorious chicken eaters. Is this unavoidable? Our nearest neighbors have free range chickens, I don't want to be at war with my neighbors because our dog eats their chickens. Is this something that only occurs once they get the taste and usually won't occur? Also we have cats, I assume like most any breed of raised around them they're fine. May chase and "play" but won't hurt.

Thanks ahead of time for your input and knowledge!

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Unfortunately huskies are runners and escape artists they are not overly protective at all and yes they will attack smaller animals due to their prey drive , won't necessarily eat them to either , cats can be fair game too even if they're fine with them for years one day their prey drive can kick in , they also can be known for their destruction , that depends on the dog tho , my male only ever chewed paper and wood , my girl however chewed everything she could get her paws on

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IMO if you want a dog like your old GSD...get another GSD a husky would not be the right breed for you..I have always had gsd's and they are the total opposite from a husky...


kudos for you doing the right kind of research tho before getting a husky...

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Welcome to the forum, and well done for doing your research. I think Robke sums it up nicely, but I will try and address your points.  :) 



I think huskies are beautiful, my husband and kids (6&9yrs) all want a husky. I'm a little hesitant for a few reasons so I'm asking you the experienced ones to give me the honest scoop on the breed. 


Thanks for asking the questions  :) 

I had a German Shepherd from 8wks to 14 when she passed. That dog was awesome on every level. It's been a few years and we're ready for a new family dog. I like bigger dogs for the home security and protection factors they lend to by appearance and nature. We live on 3 acres away from busy roads in a rural community. our daughters like to roam the property, go play at the creek etc and I would feel more comfortable knowing they have a dog with them. We have normal NW wildlife around like coyotes and Cougars. 
Wow, sounds like a lovely place to live 

I'm a stay at home mom and the dog would only be alone the random few hours here and there on shopping days etc.. I want a dog who can be left outside for a few hours and not run off or throw a fit.
A husky will want to explore and may decide that it is too much fun to come back every time 
I want a dog I can if weather is bad leave in my home for a few hours and not come back to find it chewed to shreds. 
This is entirely possible, my boy never destroys stuff, but some do out of boredom 

I want a dog that will be protective but not attack anyone who comes up our road.
Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, a husky is much more likely to greet the intruder with happy smiles and desire to play
One that is easy to train the basics. 
Huskies are very very smart, so it is easy to teach the basics, but getting them to comply when they don't want to is another matter. So some would say they are definitely not an easy dog to train.

My biggest concerns with a husky is I have heard because of their sled dog nature they are runners and are basically impossible to keep home, is this true?
You are right to be concerned about this. Some are escape artists and other aren't 
Our property is not fenced, I could do an overhead line or chain link kennel as a pup but ideally I'd like the dog to be able to be let out during the day to roam free and know it will stay close to home. Is this possible with a husky as I had with my GSD? 
Without fences you would need to create a secure run for the dog or you will most likely lose your husky in a short period of time  :( I see this as a big issue.

I've also heard Husky's are notorious chicken eaters. Is this unavoidable? Our nearest neighbors have free range chickens, I don't want to be at war with my neighbors because our dog eats their chickens. Is this something that only occurs once they get the taste and usually won't occur? Also we have cats, I assume like most any breed of raised around them they're fine. May chase and "play" but won't hurt. 
My boy would be dining out on fresh chickens or small animals if he could get to them. Some people do keep Huskies and cats together, but I don't have experience with this and I wouldn't personally risk it.

Thanks ahead of time for your input and knowledge! 
Thank you again for doing your research. I would think that there are many other beautiful breeds that would suit your lifestyle better and cause less stress.
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  • 2 months later...

Hi all! Our girlie is due her first litter in may and I want to put a bit of reassurance into the thread too.

Originally we wasn't going to breed Lola thinking of dogs in pounds etc is very upsetting. My sister is a loony and has 6 children she was looking around for a pup for a long time and I went with her to view some potential puppies much to my horror. Why I went I don't no. Needless to say by the end I was a wreck and told her if she was so desperate for a husky read about them and come back to me in a few months. When we saw each other again she had already purchased a crate ahead of a new arrival and asked if I'd mate my girl... After a lot of persuading I realised at least I'd know these pups would go to loving homes who I have hand picked.

Anyone who comes to me asking about Lola and when she is due I drop the bombshell that she ate a human size whole in my sofa... If they are shocked well hey ho go read up your not getting a pup from me. They can be terrors...

If they aren't prepared to crate train well hey ho.. No pup for you.. Go read why its so recommended or view a whole in our wall and a chewed doorframe!

If your garden isn't fenced and secure.. No puppy for you.. Check out those holes they love to dig!!

If you walk I to my home and start freaking out about being covered in Lola fur because she dived on you to say hello you're not having one of my pups they shed more than is even possible and you will find fur in places you'd never dream of.

I have not and will not ever breed for money.she's my fur baby and has been bred to ensure her and logans personality andtraits go into a new generation ofhuskies. She is due mid may and already has a waiting list forming. I request ID when putting deposit down on a pup and images of gwrden space etc. If local I'd even inspect ifthey was unsure. Always a phone call away and can't understand breeders who just disown a dog once money has changed hands. These puppies will all be my babies.

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  • 4 months later...

So I'm sure this has been posted a lot but here we go!


My partner and i want to adopt a husky pup. I have done EXTENSIVE research on the breed, behaviours etc but just want other owners opinion on if we are the right fit for a husky


We both work full time jobs. 

Me: 9-5

Her: 7-3/ 8-4/ 9-5 alternating shifts


We are active people and can make time for morning and afternoon walks, our parents live about 5 mins from our house as well.

When we are looking to adopt i will take 2 weeks of holidays and she will take a week (3 weeks total 24/7 with new pup)


Once that ends i want to ensure that we are doing the right thing, because we work all day how is it leaving the pup at home alone with plenty of toys and trying to crate train?

I can ask my mum to come over around lunch time 90% of the time (she is retired) so she can take him out for a pee break and company for an hour or two. The latest i am home is 5pm most days and my partner can come home at 4:30 every fortnight.


Weekends we have plenty of time to spend as we do not work weekends.


Are we the right people for a husky?



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Both my wife and I work. We got Zoya as a pup. She had two days with us over a weekend before we had to go to work. Using a crate is a the way to go. Zoya is a tad over 7 years old. She has free reign of the house during the day. Rohn had a week before we had to go back to work. Again, we used a crate. He is now almost 11 months old. Doing great I might add. So, you fall into the same situation many do. If your mom can come over during the day, that would be beneficial, but not absolutely necessary.

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  • 1 year later...
I am thinking of getting a husky puppy..  But I am not sure if to go with a female or a male pup. I don't know much about huskies personality. What do you think which gender has the calmer personality? 

It will depend more on the dogs personality rather then it's gender , both of mine can be very calm but both can also be very hyper too

Sent from my E6653 using Husky Owners mobile app

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I am thinking of getting a husky puppy..  But I am not sure if to go with a female or a male pup. I don't know much about huskies personality. What do you think which gender has the calmer personality? 

One word I would not describe a husky as is calm! All dogs are different, whether they are male or female

Sent from my iPhone using Husky Owners mobile app
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  • 3 years later...

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