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Help Husky eyes


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My Sib is 8 years old and he has developed problems with skin above the eyes getting infected.

We have tried everything, kibble, cooked chicken and rice with veggies, sometimes fish and medication. Also Zinpro zinc supplements.

He roams free on two acres and can come and go into the house as he wishes through a doggie door.

The only thing which helps is the steroid Prednisone, which has side effects. 

He has been in and out of the Vet several times, with no other solution so far.

Any experience or help will be appreciated.

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2 hours ago, BingBlaze n Skyla said:

Do you have pictures?  He could be getting into something when hes out that hes having a reaction to , I would stop letting him free roam if not for anything else but it keeping him safe 

Thanks for replying. If you Google “Husky eye problems” the pictures show exactly what my boy has. I unfortunately don’t have pictures as we had him healed with the steroid, but took him off due to the side effects. It seems to be coming back, just starting, so a picture now won’t show the problem. We have tried all the remedies related to Zinc shortage researched by both us and the Vet with no success. 

This started while we were renting a house, while building new. During the year it took he only went out with me to walk and potty, so he could not have gotten into something. We thought it was due to all the time he spent inside the house and it would clear up once we were on our new acreage where he could roam free. Unfortunately this is not the case, it looks like it is just starting again.

His “sister” a white Lab 11 years is healthy and full of life, same diet, same home.


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  • 2 weeks later...

No similar experience anyone?

No replies, does that mean I am the only one with a Husky getting raw skin above and on the sides of his eyes?

Picture attached below shows the problem is back, so I will have to put him back on the steroid resulting in urine problems and a loss of energy.


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7 hours ago, 2Huskyfun said:

Have her Zinc checked.

Google Zinc  deficiency and see if the systems match. 

It is common in Huskies from what I understand.

He is on zinc supplements, three tablets of Zinpro a day, made no difference. This has been going on for about 6 months now. 

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I don't have any experience with this, so I didn't want to speak out of turn, but when I googled the symptom, I also looked at the websites the pictures were connected to.  The two suggestions that came up were periocular dermatitis and canine eyelid disease, also called Blepharitis.  Periocular dermatitis is typically caused by either a parasite or a food allergy.  A lot of huskies do have multiple food allergies, so if you haven't already, maybe try switching to gluten-free or a raw diet.  Also have the vet check for a parasitic cause.  Blepharitis is caused by a staph or strep infection, and can easily be treated with at least a three week course of antibiotics (Cephelaxan).  I hope these suggestions help get your sweet boy some relief!

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Have you tried a holistic vet?  One that is allopathic and herbally/homeopathy trained?  Dont know where you are based  -  but if in the USA then I would contact Doc Jones  -  I believe he lives in Idaho  - he has helped me on several occasions even though I am in the UK.  He both a qualified vet and qualified herbalist.


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18 hours ago, kellydh said:

I don't have any experience with this, so I didn't want to speak out of turn, but when I googled the symptom, I also looked at the websites the pictures were connected to.  The two suggestions that came up were periocular dermatitis and canine eyelid disease, also called Blepharitis.  Periocular dermatitis is typically caused by either a parasite or a food allergy.  A lot of huskies do have multiple food allergies, so if you haven't already, maybe try switching to gluten-free or a raw diet.  Also have the vet check for a parasitic cause.  Blepharitis is caused by a staph or strep infection, and can easily be treated with at least a three week course of antibiotics (Cephelaxan).  I hope these suggestions help get your sweet boy some relief!

Thanks for the time spent researching this, it is sincerely appreciated. Between us and our Vet we have Googled all avenues.

We had Een on long term antibiotics, with no effect. Right now he is completely off dog food, no gluten. The condition seems to have improved, but it is back.

if we put him on Prednisone, the condition heals fast, but he becomes lethargic, drinks a lot of water and cannot control his urine. Those are unfortunately side effects.

The raw diet may be an option, I would have to research how to prepare that.

12 hours ago, wolfpup said:

Have you tried a holistic vet?  One that is allopathic and herbally/homeopathy trained?  Dont know where you are based  -  but if in the USA then I would contact Doc Jones  -  I believe he lives in Idaho  - he has helped me on several occasions even though I am in the UK.  He both a qualified vet and qualified herbalist.


Thanks I am in North Carolina.

Appreciate it if you could PM me his contact details.

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There are also several congenital eyelash conditions that could cause such a condition, but I assume your vet has probably checked for those.  In regard to the raw diet, there are lots of folks on this forum who feed raw, and could tell you how to do it.  Whatever has been causing the issue, I hope you can find a workable solution for your baby!

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5 hours ago, wjmartins said:

Thanks for the time spent researching this, it is sincerely appreciated. Between us and our Vet we have Googled all avenues.

We had Een on long term antibiotics, with no effect. Right now he is completely off dog food, no gluten. The condition seems to have improved, but it is back.

if we put him on Prednisone, the condition heals fast, but he becomes lethargic, drinks a lot of water and cannot control his urine. Those are unfortunately side effects.

The raw diet may be an option, I would have to research how to prepare that.

Thanks I am in North Carolina.

Appreciate it if you could PM me his contact details.

https://homegrownherbalist.net/products/consultation  - this is a good place to start.   He has helped me twice with my epi husky   -  I have seen some of his presentations  -  its truly amazing what he has been able to do with dogs.    He is also very good at answering emails.


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  • 2 years later...

Hi - I know this is an old topic BUT if you still have your pup, I am confident you still have this issue. I too had this issue with my Sibe. It got so bad, and the area around his eye was so inflamed, I thought his whole face would soon be one big raw mess. I see a holistic vet. We did two things that helped this tremendously! Blu (my five year old Sibe) is on a supplement called The One (Google Front of the Pack). For 10 months I chased this one area. Nothing worked, not even steroid. Within two weeks, this healed by 90% once he started this supplement. The second thing we did was to put coconut on the inflamed area several times per day until the last bit cleared up. This has not returned, in this same area, since we got him healed up. He has another tiny area right now, but the coconut oil seems to be taking care of it. Keep up the zinc, but rest on it occasionally. I hope this helps you. It sure helped us. Best wishes. :)

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  • 2 years later...

IMG_1102.thumb.jpeg.50fc8e6e411862690bdae68edf914893.jpegHi - my 9 year old is experiencing eye issues as well and it has been very difficult finding the cause. His eyelids have been progressively getting worse and more raw. We have tried nearly everything and can’t get to the root. Allergy shots, allergy relief chews, new diet, cultures.. no luck. It’s mainly stayed in the eyelid area but now is going out towards his ears. Has anyone else experienced this? Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you.

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What has his vet said?     What have you tried already?     I would suggest getting him checked for adequate zinc levels - but this usually affects the area around the mouth as well.

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  • 3 months later...

It sounds like you've tried a lot of different things already. Since you've been to the vet several times without finding a solution, it might be worth seeking a second opinion from another vet or a specialist. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can lead to new ideas or treatments. Additionally, keeping a detailed record of your sibling's symptoms, diet, and treatments can help the vet better understand the situation and tailor a treatment plan.

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