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My name is Nicole! I have a Siberian Husky named Jed, he's been with me since 10 weeks old. I drove from CT down to MD to get him and we've pretty much been inseparable ever since.

Jed and I enjoy hiking, cuddling, and Jed loves when I let him adventure off-leash in the woods! He recently went from being in an outdoor, electric fenced in yard setting to being in a condo (my boyfriend and I just moved in together) and he has been adjusting very well! (it just means more hikes for him).

I'm looking forward to joining in on discussions and such! Nice to be apart of the forums!


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On 5/9/2018 at 5:10 PM, chelseafan said:

Hi, what a beauty emoji3.png

Sent from my iPhone using Husky Owners


2 minutes ago, ARMANI & ALINAH said:

emoji252.pngemoji252.pngemoji252.pngWELCOME ABOARDemoji252.pngemoji252.pngemoji252.png
JEDD is handsome & stunning!!emoji847.pngemoji191.pngemoji252.pngemoji171.png

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Husky Owners mobile app

Thank you both!

On 5/9/2018 at 4:36 PM, Emma said:

Welcome to husky owners 😀


On 5/9/2018 at 11:58 AM, wolfpup said:

Welcome to the forum.


On 5/9/2018 at 11:24 AM, BingBlaze n Skyla said:

Welcome to the pack

Sent from my [device_name] using http://Husky Owners mobile app


On 5/9/2018 at 10:10 AM, Jo said:

Hi and welcome, what a handsome chap you have emoji4.png

Sent from my iPhone using Husky Owners

Thanks everyone!!! :)

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