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Seperation Anxiety with just one person?

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everytime i go out Skyla is immediately in my room looking for something of mine to chew on - this morning is was my fave pair of heels :angry: (my only black pair that i absolutely LOVE n they went with EVERYTHING n were really comfy)

she knows my routine as its been the same since we got her nearly a year ago - wake up at half 5 get up get ready go work - back at 8/8:20ish take them for a walk then chill - then leave for my other job at 11:45 get home at 1:30ish - so its not like my routine has changed at all or anything - and its only when I leave! there could be a house full of people but if i go out - she chews stuff (my stuff) <_<

she doesnt do it with anyone else :blink::unsure:

i never overly fuss her or make a big deal out of me going - she will OCCASIONALLY get a stroke - and i say bye n thats it i leave no fuss no hassle - and she KNOWS ill be back!

short of getting a dog gate for my room (which i cant afford nor do i really want) i dunno what to do n i dunno why shes doing it

before any1 says crate her - she cries for the first half hour / hour when shes put in there n my lil bros are obv still sleeping at 5:30am,ish but need to sleep cuz they have school


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lol ive asked for a lock on my door - not allowed 1 <_< will ask if i can have 1 on the outside but dunno - being locked in my room - away from my bros rich BLISS!!!!

theres nothing weve got rly to give her she doesnt play with toys she doesnt like kongs n i cant afford to buy enough rawhide chews so she can have 1 twice a day - thats the only thing that usually keeps her qiuet - but then obv blaze has 2 have them too :rolleyes:

lol locking her in my lil bros room - fate worse than hell i think

i would love to take her to work if i was allowed - short of quitting i dunno lol - i ent gonna be able 2 go anywhere without her if she dont stop

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Sounds like she's got an attachment to you. It's almost like a rebellion bratty attitude of, well if you're going to leave me on my own, then I'm going to chew your stuff so you'll get annoyed and stop going away. On the other hand, are you the one that treats her the most in the house? She could associate your smell and possessions as toys and gifts and therefore could assume that the things in your room are hers when you're not there.

I would try either a gate (make she it's a relatively high one else she'll be able to hop over it. Depending on your frame, you could set it up so as the gate is on as well as having the door closed (that's what I used to do). That way, it will be difficult to open your bedroom door, making the chances of her getting in, less likely.

Bolts are ok, but it is an opportunity for your brothers to take advantage, and also if Blaze is anything like what my old dog Logan was like (which it sounds like he is), Blaze will find getting a bolt off no problem at all.

Stacey xxx

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Get up at 4:30 and take her for a long walk before you go? ;p

lol i dont feel safe walking them in the day let alone at that time! lol

Sounds like she's got an attachment to you. It's almost like a rebellion bratty attitude of, well if you're going to leave me on my own, then I'm going to chew your stuff so you'll get annoyed and stop going away. On the other hand, are you the one that treats her the most in the house? She could associate your smell and possessions as toys and gifts and therefore could assume that the things in your room are hers when you're not there.

I would try either a gate (make she it's a relatively high one else she'll be able to hop over it. Depending on your frame, you could set it up so as the gate is on as well as having the door closed (that's what I used to do). That way, it will be difficult to open your bedroom door, making the chances of her getting in, less likely.

Bolts are ok, but it is an opportunity for your brothers to take advantage, and also if Blaze is anything like what my old dog Logan was like (which it sounds like he is), Blaze will find getting a bolt off no problem at all.

Stacey xxx

yeh im the one who gives them their treats after walks - im the one who trains her to do her tricks n stuff - they all sleep in my room - ive brought her all her leads harnesses ect (not that she realises but u know what i mean) its deffo bratty attitude - let for work earlier she got one stroke a bye n she watched me leave out of the window :unsure: but luckily she didnt chew anything - she knows when shes been bad - she wouldnt come upstairs this morning n when i did pick the shoe up earlier her ears went back n she tried to give me kisses - i didnt even say anything i just picked the shoe up - no certain body language 2 pick up on or anything - she knew she had been bad

think im gonna have 2 get a gate - but will be a dog 1 she can jump a child gate lol

get baby proof door knob covers :P we have them on our bedroom doors cause embry gets them open- they're really cheap too and work great.


our door handles arent like that they are like this (u can see the scratch marks on the door where she tries to open the door but cant lol)


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