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too quiet....


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Cody is coming up to 6months old and hes always been a pretty quiet puppy. He gets excited when people come to visit or if he sees another dog or people while were out but other than that he looks like he'd cry if he could. Hes so quiet, he doesnt jump around like other puppies just lays down all the time. I am struggling with his toilet training still so have to get up during the night to let him out to try and get him in the habit, when i come downstairs he doesnt even lift his head up and when i open the back door he wont get up i have to physically lift him up and usher him outside when he goes out he has his head hanging and his ears down. He looks so sad, im worried that he is unhappy, i work part time mon-fri, leave the house at 8am, nip home at 2pm for half an hour before i go pick my daughter up from school and get back about 4pm so im concerned hes unhappy about being left alone or that hes just generally unhappy.


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I would definitely take him to the vet. Being lethargic is a good indicator of something being wrong. It is generally one of the first symptoms that owners notice.

The behaviour your describing doesn't fit any 6 month old puppy I have ever know, especially not an energetic breed like a husky.

Hope the little guy is okay and you manage to find out if there is an underlying problem. If there isn't anything going on it might be that he is in need of a friend. Some dogs really do not respond well to being the only dog while some others don't mind it at all.

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hi guys thanks for your replies, he eats and drinks fine- better than fine really. hes always been like this just really quiet, obviously he has his crazy moment and has a mad hour but a lot of the time he is quiet. he has been the vets a couple of times cause he had a dicky tummy and he said he is a lovely healthy dog

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