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Hi Husky Owners a new owner here!!!


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Hi all!! Giulio here from LA!!
My wife, my son and I got our super cute puppy Husky 1 month ago and he is a week away from being 4 months old and his name is Sky!! I am here because I would love to get to know more of what I know about this beautiful breed! I am Sure Is the best place to get tips, feedbacks and more as well as share experiences and give that back as well! 
looking forward to meet lots of Husky owners and huskies as well! Also Sky has his own Instagram page  (@sky_ice_eyes) where will share with the world and other huskies owner his journey, we would love to be part of his journey as we would love to be part of yours.

Looking  forward to meet you all!! 

thx for having me here and for the great welcome 


Giulio & Sky 🐺 



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4 hours ago, wolfpup said:

Exactly what advice are you looking for?

Nothing specific for now, I am sure I will

be asking million of questions. I meant advices for a beginner 😂😂 training and/or what to expects from now on 😂

3 hours ago, BingBlaze n Skyla said:

Welcome!  I'm @ skyla_bear on Instagram , just gave you a follow 

Thx 🙏 got you a follow back! Pleasure to meet you and glad to be in the Husky family community 

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I'm a fist time Husky owner myself!  I know One thing for sure is they need a lot of exercise or they will get into a lot of mischief 🤣 

We just got our yard fenced in for him to Run around and play and he's a Happy Boy 🐺.  Now it's hard to get him to come back inside 🤣🤣.  They will dig up tree roots if there is one visible.  Blu does anyways!  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thx for your tips!  Yes we have a big yard! One of may questions I have now Is how tall  with ages he gets? He is 4 1/2 months and 16 inches tall so far. Also his muzzle will it stretch and head will it get bigger by certain months? I know they seems silly Questions but I am so excited and eager to find out from other experienced owners!! Thx all in advance and you as well!!

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