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Best age for neutering

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we havent had shiloh done yet but he will going in very soon to have his plums off lmao

we got told off our vet that its 6month old they need to be..........he turned 6month the other week....we now jst need to get the money together to get him done :)

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we havent had shiloh done yet but he will going in very soon to have his plums off lmao

we got told off our vet that its 6month old they need to be..........he turned 6month the other week....we now jst need to get the money together to get him done :)

and with advice like that i would be very temped to find a vet that knows what hes talking about

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???? why

our vet is extemely good at her job.............we have used the same one for 8yrs.......we was told to wait til shiloh turned 6month as he then will have reached maturity

Sibes don't "mature" until one or two years, even physically. However, neutering early doesn't hurt them, but it does throw hormones out of whack so it may affect their height/build.

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why ? becuse ive herad from outher owners that it buggers up with there devopment up ......but your vet might be good but i bet she dosent have a clue about huskys ive had to trian MY vet up about them and what you can and cant do

erm....fink you'll find she actually does...........his testicles have now dropped and he is humping anything he can get hold of left right and centre so to me he seems to have matured

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why ? becuse ive herad from outher owners that it buggers up with there devopment up ......but your vet might be good but i bet she dosent have a clue about huskys ive had to trian MY vet up about them and what you can and cant do

Unless you're a certified veterinarian, I wouldn't say you were qualified to be making those kinds of statements. You may be well-read and educated, but it's a very controversial issue and either way has not really been confirmed. There is evidence of pros and cons to either decision and it is a very personal one. Most vets will recommend a younger age simply because people having it done are not going to be showing their dogs or breeding them (obviously), so breed standard height and structure doesn't matter. Many people are not responsible enough orwill remember to have it done past that time as well and it gives more time for "accidental litters." That does not make her vet any less knowledgeable because she stands on one side of a very undecided argument.

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Unless you're a certified veterinarian, I wouldn't say you were qualified to be making those kinds of statements. You may be well-read and educated, but it's a very controversial issue and either way has not really been confirmed. There is evidence of pros and cons to either decision and it is a very personal one. Most vets will recommend a younger age simply because people having it done are not going to be showing their dogs or breeding them (obviously), so breed standard height and structure doesn't matter. Many people are not responsible enough orwill remember to have it done past that time as well and it gives more time for "accidental litters." That does not make her vet any less knowledgeable because she stands on one side of a very undecided argument.

thanks hun.......started to feel like i couldnt even decide what was best for my own dog :)

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???? why

our vet is extemely good at her job.............we have used the same one for 8yrs.......we was told to wait til shiloh turned 6month as he then will have reached maturity

I had mine (a female) done at 6 months too at the advice of my vet.

Maybe it's a Manchester vet thing lol

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thanks hun.......started to feel like i couldnt even decide what was best for my own dog :)

mmm i know its a mine feiled when getting the right info , but before i open my big mouth i do a hell of a lot of rescearch and im with a few outher husky sites before i say anything ,so if i said anything to offend anyone it wasnt intentional and for the best and as for the comment about me being a vet .....no im not..... but a lot of vets dont know how to deal with this kind of dogs

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I had mine (a female) done at 6 months too at the advice of my vet.

Maybe it's a Manchester vet thing lol

Six months is very common in the US, but I've been reading a lot more research about getting it done as soon as eight weeks -- which seems SO young. I was more curious to find out what other Sibe owners were doing. I guess I didn't realize how controversial the topic can be. blink.gif

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and with advice like that i would be very temped to find a vet that knows what hes talking about

And with comments like that I would be very tempted to ask why you are being so hostile to a simple post?

why ? becuse ive herad from outher owners that it buggers up with there devopment up ......but your vet might be good but i bet she dosent have a clue about huskys ive had to trian MY vet up about them and what you can and cant do

With comments like this I would be tempted to find a vet you dont have to train

lmfao im not going there hahahaha but you dog IS STILL TO YOUNG !!!!!!

Glad you find it amusing to be hostile towards other members. I do not. Opinions grated, but your posts above are far from constructive in nature.

mmm i know its a mine feiled when getting the right info , but before i open my big mouth i do a hell of a lot of rescearch and im with a few outher husky sites before i say anything ,so if i said anything to offend anyone it wasnt intentional and for the best and as for the comment about me being a vet .....no im not..... but a lot of vets dont know how to deal with this kind of dogs

You are assuming that others do not research? The issue is controvesial and nobody seems to agree on the subject no matter which husky site you read on. You mentioned the information from other husky owners, however we have more information on here than any other husky site on the net and nobody on here agrees with each other either. Not having it that every other place you have been agrees with you without fail.

Not asking you not to have an opinion. In fact I invite you to do so. However please try to be a little less hostile with people as it just encourages people not to want to post up about their huskies through fear that what they say will be jumped upon.

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Six months is very common in the US, but I've been reading a lot more research about getting it done as soon as eight weeks -- which seems SO young. I was more curious to find out what other Sibe owners were doing. I guess I didn't realize how controversial the topic can be. blink.gif

ahhhh and thats why ive just posted a spade/spray poll to see just what outhers think

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Not asking you not to have an opinion. In fact I invite you to do so. However please try to be a little less hostile with people as it just encourages people not to want to post up about their huskies through fear that what they say will be jumped upon.

and hostile is the last thing i wanted to come across so a pubic appogy to any body that took offence in what i had pre posted thanks tim

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hey everyone,

ozzy came to us already done and he is approx 2-3 years old (said the vet judging by his teeth)

i know my other dog was done at 6months as was his sister but they are not huskies-maybe it differs from breed to breed.....

tamz i wouldn't worry hun, i'm sure your vet knows what she's doing but maybe ring another vet in the area to see what age they'd recomend just to make sure but i'm sure it's nothing to stress over xxxxx

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Tim - You see, now I can respect you, because you had enough backbone to apologize. Earlier in this thread, I wanted to beat you over the head with bag of bloody dog food. We all at times come off in a way that we don't intend, me included. - Dave

This subject was recently posted here on Husky-Owners. I was an advocate, in that thread, of spaying or neutering at or around six months of age. That was at the start of the thread. I've always followed that routine, thought it was in the dog's best interests, and avoided a lot of issues. Well of course there were those that were in the other camp. Well, that post caused me to do some research and check things out. The next dog I get, assuming there is another dog in the cards for me, I will still have "fixed", but it won't be at the six month mark on the life line. It will be at a point when I feel the dog has reached maturity and is developed. Now, for someone like me, who is set in their ways, having been around the block, been there and done that, more than once I might add, for me to change my mind on a subject as controversial as this almost takes an act of God.

If someone disagrees with my new-found position, all I can say is that's fine, if we all agreed, this planet of ours would be pretty boring. It's fine if a vet thinks the six month point is when a dog should be spayed or neutered, but discuss it with your vet. Just don't take their word for it. Ask questions, make them earn their fee they charge you. Put that vet on the witness stand, so to speak. At the end of the day, what really matters is that you do the best you can, make informed decisions, and ensure that the Husky you've been entrusted to care and provide for, gets the very best that you have to offer. I know Zoya demands it.

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