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Bad Behavior when I'm gone

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Sorry that I come and go on the forum a lot ;-;.  Don't have that much time to peruse the internet often nowadays.


Any who every day I have school so my mom or other family member will take care of Jelly or let her out to potty or feed her if I'm gone for an extended period of time (up to 15 hours away)

According to whoever takes care of her, she's terrible.  When they sit at the dinner table/dining table they tell me that she barks non stop.  She never misbehaves when I'm around so I can't correct her because I never see it in action.


I suggested to others that if you ignore her completely and for a long enough time she'll realize that she's not going to get your attention and she won't bark because barking = no reaction so there is not reason for her to bark.  Makes sense, right?  (I mean, that is how I taught her to not bark when I'm eating at the table)  Note:  She's attached to her cage by a ~8 ft leash which would make her about 5 feet from the dinner table.  Obviously, if you let her free roam, she's quiet and good.  But like I said, when she's tied up and I'm around, she's quiet and calm.


so I really don't know what's going on. My mom claims that she ignores Jelly completely (which I have a feeling she doesn't but she keeps insisting she does) so do you guys have any suggestions?  I honestly don't know how to go about this problem.


I would like to note that my parents do feed her treats for doing nothing quite often though I'm not sure if that means anything (I religiously do the NILIF method)


Also, when I am home and in my room and my parents are in the kitchen or dining room, she'll bark at them and whine too.  Then if I come and just sit at the table with them she shuts up. 

So I'm assuming she knows I'm an authority figure but my parents aren't?  Let me know guys .  My mom is getting super aggravated by Jelly and swears to me she's completely ignoring her so I honestly don't know what's going on.  Body language maybe?  I do notice when my mom is upset you can obviously tell without looking at her face. 




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bumping this topic for you.  I'm personally not sure what to suggest. It's awkward to tackle when the behaviour doesn't happen with you and you suspect the other people are not following your recommendations.  Hopefully someone will have been in this situation and can offer some advise.  

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As far as I'm concerned, All training is purely done by me and not so much enforced by anyone else. (My parents always give a reward for tricks whereas I don't give her rewards for basic commands)  My parents just tell her basic commands (sit, down, leave it, etc) and she listens just fine.  I correct my parents if I see them command Jelly incorrectly though.


Everything Jelly related is only done by me though -- Baths, Walks, socializing, training, bonding, etc.


I'm not sure about asserting their err authority since they only interact with her to do tricks or tricks in front of other guests .  She seems to listen to their commands all the time EXCEPT when they're eating and she's doesn't get to be with them.


It's just frustrating when I can't be present to see her bad behaviors :( 


I really don't like to but now, when my parents eat, they usually just let her walk around.  She ALWAYS stands by my mom and never near me which makes me assume that my mom gives her food quite often -___- ..


But yeah ... not sure what to do!


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I try to. 

My parents always complain when I see them try to give her human food and they say things like she's a dog -- they can eat what we eat and so on.  

And I can't really convince my parents otherwise..

Guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it :(

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