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Really dry nose


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Hey guys,

Im new here so hope you dont mind me posting :)

I have 2 huskies Bandit and Narla and Narla has been having some problems with her nose for over 3 months now. As you can see in the picture her nose is quite snotty / runny and really dry on the outside. She has had xrays done and a camera up her nose but the vets just dont know what it is. The only thing they have said is it could be something called chronic rynitus (not sure on the spelling).

I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or if any ideas as to what it could be as the vets just arnt really helping




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Storm's was exactly the same, but just on one side.

The Vet had no idea, but gave anti-biotics and steroid cream, which made no difference.

I did a little research and found that Huskies are one of the only breeds that dry the nose out, apparently this is stop it from freezing when the dogs are resting / sleeping.

Her nose, now is perfectly normal,

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First of all, welcome to the forum! :)

Sorry, I don't have any personal experience but...how many vets have you went to? If you've only been to one, I would go for another opinion...

Here's some more info on chronic rhinitus in dogs: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16711613

Is her nose dripping at all? Runny? Or is it plugged up? Did the vet check her lungs/breathing to see if everything is okay? Maybe it could be allergies...I know my boy's nose is dry and runny during the spring.

Did they check to see if she's dehydrated? Is she given fresh water at all times and how often does she drink?

How is her appetite? Is she lethargic? Is she coughing or sneezing more than usual? How are her poos?

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Ghost's nose was dry when he was smaller. Our vet's first thought was that it could be an allergy to some ingredient in his food. So we switched to hypoallergenic kibble. Or that the sun was not doing him good. So for almost the whole summer he went out with the sunscreen factor 30 (vet said 50 would be even better but 30 was fine too, as a cream) on his nose. :rolleyes:

From what I remember, his nose sometimes got better, sometimes dried up again. By the way, his nose wasn't runny at all.

I bought sudocreme (zinc creme) that is used for babies to regenerate skin when anything happens and I applied it daily on his nose. If you choose to do so, don't worry about the amount. I applied more because Ghost always licked all of it. So you may want to distract Narla with playing for a couple minutes.

I don't know how but now his nose is nice and wet. :) I'm not sure if the hypoallergenic kibble helped as we're now since 1,5 months ago on a different kibble and his nose is still fine.

I would recommend the sudocreme, and the sunscreen if the sun is pretty sharp where you are.

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hey guys, thank you for your help, her nose is running and gets a little clogged up so I end up picking it more than I do my own lol :) we are now feeding her on hypoallergenic kibble so we will see if that helps. I also think we are going to a different vets practice to get a second opinion.. :)

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hey guys, thank you for your help, her nose is running and gets a little clogged up so I end up picking it more than I do my own lol :) we are now feeding her on hypoallergenic kibble so we will see if that helps. I also think we are going to a different vets practice to get a second opinion.. :)

i was eatting when i read this....ewww lol

Hope you find the solution, dont have this problem with mine, but they do often have dry noses, doesnt last long though.

welcome to the forum btw :wave:

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Hey guys,

Im new here so hope you dont mind me posting :)

I have 2 huskies Bandit and Narla and Narla has been having some problems with her nose for over 3 months now. As you can see in the picture her nose is quite snotty / runny and really dry on the outside. She has had xrays done and a camera up her nose but the vets just dont know what it is. The only thing they have said is it could be something called chronic rynitus (not sure on the spelling).

I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or if any ideas as to what it could be as the vets just arnt really helping




Another explanation: http://www.michvet.com/Client%20Education%20Handouts/Internal%20Medicine%20handouts/Chronic%20Rhinitis%20in%20Dogs.pdf

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  • 10 years later...

Huskies tend to get a dry nose much more than any other dog breed. Apparently, this is to stop it from freezing but if the nose stays dry for soo long it can get Itchy. The simple solution, apply something moisturizing! I use Puppington's pup wax which is specifically made for dry noses and paws. Do try it out and if you do not start to see some results in about 10 days of regular application, then consult a good vet and not the one you visited earlier. ;)

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