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  • Birthday April 8

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  1. Yelp reviews are manipulative...meaning they can change them or take down the poor ones before they are public. You probably want to get a word of mouth recommendation from a vet that someone you know uses.
  2. You might be surprised. It may take some time and practice. My 3 line up when i take out the toothpaste to brush my teeth and they all want a taste as they love peppermint. There are some treats that you can get also that are mint flavored for "teeth brushing" that are more than just milkbones. I haven't tried to actually brush them, but they make finger cover brushes that you can use, so it's just like putting your finger in their mouths. I think with peppermint paste mine would go for it. Will let you know if i ever get around to it!
  3. Brush Suka's teeth and give him some doggy mouth wash...check in a week. Doesn't sound dangerous...but i do have to ask why you were smelling his breath? Our guys always smell like whatever they ate last (when they give kisses!).
  4. Can't think of anything, and just my opinion, but i always want my dog's crate to be their special quiet space. If someone is always using the top of it to toss the remote or a set down a drink, or hold a lamp, what happens if the dog gets upset and knocks things around? Just seems like the idea, while interesting...may not be in the best interest of the dog, especially as a puppy. If there are companies that make these, you can probably just copy their design if that's what you want to do.
  5. The forum: 4,000+ members, some know each other in person, some neighbors, some in other countries across the ocean, some do not speak english as their first language, all here to talk about huskies, some educated, some newbies, some husky owners for a lifetime, some new at this game, some middle aged adults and then some years, some teens, or just barely out...some don't work, some work full time, some on the forum daily, some weekly, some monthly, some every so often. YOU: joined the forum a month ago, are 20 years old...and I have just now seen this and thought it may have been one of your first posts, but i see it is not. From your profile it appears you own a husky mix that you love very much, and are preparing to start a very new part of your life with marriage. You just can't expect everyone to respond to everything. Don't take my post the wrong way....give it a chance...a month is not a very long time to determine if you are being shunned in a group of 4,000 that are varied as the fish in the sea. I go sometimes for weeks without stopping by or just lurking, then all of a sudden become active again. Met my very best friend on here a couple years ago....but didn't know it till we finally met in person. Patience...I know it's hard, but just like in personal situations, it sometimes takes time for people to warm up, and with the current forum changes, we aren't seeing everything the same as we used to so it's about learning to re-navigate also. I've always found that the best way to be noticed is to volunteer to do something that helps or make a donation of cold hard cash, post lots of pictures, arrange a walk in your area or find out where others live and meet them in person.
  6. Make sure you go to the pet store and get the carpet shampoo that has the stuff in it to keep them from going back to the same place. I think it's a Bissell brand, but it doesn't matter. A carpet shampooer would be a good investment. Vinegar is good for getting rid of the smell, also, i used to use a combination of vinegar and alcohol I think (rubbing alcohol), it was from one of those Help from Heloise books...
  7. Maybe you could use a cone on Meeka so she can't chew the drain.
  8. are you going to be a vet or a vet tech? A veterinarian is like becoming an md, 4 years of college and another (about 3 more years) of medical school and internship. It's a long way to go. good luck.
  9. I'm not going to start anything, but I am not judging anyone,. I was simply trying to get a good full picture of what is going on. I have days that 3 dogs and a full time job with two mature adults (and by mature I mean 50+) just talking about age that it is difficult, especially when a dog is injured or ill. Since you can't hear a tone of voice or don't know who you are judging, you may want to hold back your judgment.
  10. http://www.petsmart.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2767068 This page from petsmart has numerous products to remove the odor from the urine and feces. The dog you speak about sounds like it is suffering from separation anxiety and that is one that needs to be crated. Have you gone on Craig's List to look for a crate? It has just about everything cheap or free. Agree with @Austinville about closing off the room. Most dogs won't pee or poop where they sleep, and huskies are known escape artists. We still struggle with marking from our boys, but have figured it out. Some dogs can stay home longer than others, some will stay in the crate, some won't. I worry that you are willing to let the one that has had surgery roam. There's a reason the vet wants the dog crated, so it can heal. A pin and stitches can be broken/ripped easily, and just like a person having a bone repaired, you have stay off it for at least 6 weeks. Not sure how you ended up with 4 huskies, but maybe it's just more than your life can handle right now. Better to put the dogs in a home that can handle them and teach them what they need to learn than to get so frustrated that you end up taking it out on them...it's easy to happen. I don't know what you say or do with them when they are naughty, but it can be frustrating to the average adult, and you've got a lot going on.
  11. Yes, I knew you were not pointing blame...just thought it needed clarification for the rest. You've met Jack, so you know he is just a really excitable marshmallow.
  12. Understand, there were 4-5 huskies, Jack was one of them, the woman who owned the chirping poodle had her back turned to the dog and frankly, nobody really knows what happened because there were all these huskies gathered, and the little dog. We aren't even certain and we were both there. So yes, if your dog is giving you signs, then by all means, either train or don't go. Jack is a big marshmallow, and the vet could not believe what happened, as Jack runs away from Jessy when she rolls her lip and snipes at him and looks for cover and protection from one of us....but he also loves a stuffed animal, as do most huskies, not all, but jack just wants to unstuff it.
  13. Good luck. I think you will have a hard time getting a min wage job if they know you are going to med school. It just doesn't make sense to most places. I hadn't worked for 15 years while raising my kids and could not even get a job at Target because.....well, I don't know why, but they hired my son on the spot and he was a high school student.
  14. I will never go to a dog park again and I have only gone once. It was a husky gathering, so there were a lot of them and then there was the lady with the mini poodle and the group of 5 huskies that gathered around it. Suffice it to say we were the only humans watching our huskies so when her poodle started to bleed and chirp, Jack was blamed. She sued us. It was ugly, very very ugly. $7,000 later (thank goodness for insurance) we will never go to another dog park because....you cannot rely on other owners to do the right thing. There were other huskies that could have caused the harm to this pup, and because we were the only humans, and my partner is very trusting and gave this woman his name....well, you got the rest. We never talk about it anymore, because it comes down to not what is right, but ownership and money. So, go to the dog park at your own risk with your dominant dog. Jack is not even a dominant guy, he's a giant marshmallow, but it sounds like the others in this thread that owners are worried about may not have been adequately socialized, just like Jack also. As you can see from video, Jessy, being the tiny bug she is, can take down a 20lb heavier husky without a thought! Sometimes they let her, but Jack is petrified and has to trick her and then run like crazy to "safe" which is the deck. The neck and shake thing is husky play, but we also think Andy ended up in the system because he did that to a cat. Ooops, well, we aren't cat people and don't think it's fair to put a husky in that position, no matter how long they may have lived together. Off my soap box now.
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