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Research about Husky's behavior in dangerous situations


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Hi there...

First let me give some much respected names (IMO) in the husky community outside of the Husky Owners'.  They can be found on FB.   Gail Parton - has a pack of 35-38 Malamutes.  She breeds conscientiously, and the trust, respect, adoration, and love between her and her pack is two way.  Her hikes with 25 or more Malamutes, off lead, in the Northern mountainous parts of US are awesome. Dangers are there with mountain lions, & kills she has come across and how her Mals behave around her around those kills.  Ask her your question; she has personal experience through observing how her pack (seniors) react.

TJ Wolf - also on FB - has written a lot too, in close up behaviour of huskies & their interaction with him as their human.  He also runs them off his home-made low down dryland three wheeler.

Nathaniel Jonathan Hayes - also on FB and competitive husky sites for sledding, endurance racing.  

Rob Cooke - several times participant and finisher in Yukon Quest runs, and the Iditarod Runs - search Nome Village saving 1825 -  withTogo & Baltic. Rob has a huge pack, and teams of 18. 

Ali Bradley/Siân Murdy have a home pack of eight huskies. They both compete with one, two or more dogs.  With seven huskies when their first child was born, I have watched in awe how the pack united in the protection and, acceptance of young Rowan, and under the watchful eyes of his parents, how Rowan is growing up and involved with them all.  I don't know the circumstances re their separation, however, Rowan is very much a part of both their lives. I believe he is around three or four years old.  Ali also has reptiles.

I started with my first HuskyxMalamute in November 2012.  Having grown up around many  rescued strays through my childhood in the Far East, and even more in Sandakan & Brunei before moving to the UK, I learned one thing:   Trust, respect, and loyalty must be  reciprocal.

I firmly believe if any one of these are fractured, or damaged/destroyed between man & dog, the loyalty to the one who feeds them will most likely prevail, in a huge or, minimal level, regarding protection from dog to human.  This is relevant especially to whether training is positive or negatively implied. And P+ P- work together in using positive reward with positive but a negative affect FOR a positive effect in training. 

Jay Gray - Obsidian K9 Acedamy;   on FB.

K9 Dog Training is another site in Surrey, UK that train using a specially chosen breed that looks GSD but I believe is Mallinois.  There is also another named breed too which is imported.  These are trained specifically to guard their human/s whether individually, or the whole family, and will attack.  Would-be owners are also trained in the right teachings and correct handling of their prospective guard dog/s, by that organisation.  It is especially aimed at the rich, famous or valuable personnel whose families are or may be under threat from kidnappers seeking property, reward or ransom.  I would love one of these, however as a breed for work in guarding, I believe it may be unfair if it was not utilised fully within it's specific-bred environment. 

Successdogs.com  Absolutedogs.com   Outback Dog Training Pages. 

These sites also show how positive reward training brings about a loyal, loving companion (they're not your traditional 'pet') and, yes guarding instincts whether through vocal, aggression, or physically body blocking their human from danger.  I have witnessed this in ALL my dogs, from rescued terrified defending strays grown confident & protective, Boxers, (stolen but found by me through very gritted determination), and how THEY both changed in behaviour around me when I became first pregnant.  Plus, guarding my newborn daughter on her first day home (I was away ten days, post caesarean section) and, surprisingly, rejecting well known family friends to come near her crib !  Only until I told them it was 'ok, back' did they step back. However, they remained incredibly watchful with every visitor. (I did not train them in this.  They simply started).   They took turns to patrol the corridor to our bedroom in a large bungalow, every few minutes, when we were relaxing in the sitting room.  I've seen this with my own Westies; Polly a mum of four at that time, entrusted me to her young newborn however kept other young family members away by growling.  I assisted in all her deliveries.   I train my dogs, even from the first day in, with a new rescue/rehome.  Home and behaviour rules are therefore set from day one ... my pack may vocally disrupt, even appear to argue with me, however, the quieter my voice, more definitively used hand signals, they 'agree' to do as I ask.  Patience and persistence ... not giving in through a simple repeated request, and stopping any other behaviour using 'time out' or, complete rejection (being placed into another room, or crate in solitary confinement for even five minutes) lays down "I'm boss", with no pain, fear or negative infliction.  I firmly believe :

Punishment by pain/abuse, creates fear of pain.  And absolute trust is splintered straight away.  

Fear creates more and a wary defensive reaction, eyes watch the hand that hurt, cowering.

If pain/punishment continues, then defensive mode kicks in to 'stay away' but the 'bad behaviour' that caused the punishment continues because nothing was taught to stop it (eg, barking outside). 

Further abuse and pain then leads to defense, and finally aggressiin/attack to make it stop.   

Then a young dog is put out, abandoned, euthanized, or if lucky, into a rescue org, or safe pound.  Not a good start.  Their logic & reasoning is pain, hurt, fear, so don't let it happen anymore.  

It takes 30 reps to train a husky.. and then repetition training, to reinforce the 'right's behaviour through P+.

IT can take 90 reps of good behaviour to break a bad one, ie biting, aggression, and, above to regain TRUST.

However trust from a human is one thing.  Trust BACK to the human should I believe form a new bond with both.  That baggage of pain, may never leave, however involving a consistent level of 'the right way' in training will go far to bury those demons. 

So,  Reward in a pat, voice, game or even a treat reassures I accept them.   Challenges arise on any day when something seems more important or desirable to any one of them, whether to have to stay & wait, or even howl & pace ..  but they may not leave 'that space'!   Training is fun and always eye opening. Mine have learned to run by my mobility scooter, although two have pulled my dryland running rig.  Until my neck surgery happens, I cannot now do the rig runs.  They have been trained in basic mushing commands and watch anyone carefully we approach or are passing by on ahead. Generally friendly, my girl is a true flirt, but does bodyblock; my young boy Blu is very protective, my older boy sits back in 'silent' guard mode.  All eyes watching. 

If my dogs are not responding favourably to someone new, I'm on guard too & cut the 'meet n greet' short.  Their instinctual behaviour IS my best warning to beware. 

Look into how domestication of the wild ancestors of the Siberian Husky, with the Chukchi Nomads, who domesticated this breed which then played a part in defending the camp, also hunting for their own food but receiving scraps from the tribe, travelling with the camp, but also sleeping & guarding the babies, infants & children on extremely cold nights.  Now believed to go back over a few thousand years since they first trod this planet. In the last few years, bones have been found throwing out information  of just three thousand years ago of the existence that huskies go back 30,000 years.

The husky originates from the Spitz.  Research. There is very little dna evidence with wolves, and the geneology is fascinating involving the wolf, fox, other specie but thst dna lineage dividing as well.  

I do personally believe the husky is as purebred a 'dog' specie compared to any other canine breed now.   Cross breeding is abhorrent in my eyes as is the 'designer dog' for financial greed.  No responsibility is considered to the awful health & life of badly chosen cross breeds, let along further passing of genetic/dna inherited health faults.  Too many to list. 

Below is a screenshot, with some info but I def read on a respected site (not Wikepedia) that it is possible much longer than 3,000 years.


The review on intelligence is interesting, and very sadly this trait is unresearched and underestimated, reflecting in the hundreds of huskies/similar type breeds that are abandoned around four to six months or older.

I am now 68.  I never stop learning, seeing & witnessing fascinating behaviour between my three.  I've been bitten badly during the rescue of my old Westie and my first young HuskyxMal Chester, aged then around seven months.  Also by an abused *foster dog on day four. 

Chester wanted Wesley's bone, having finished his.  Wesley rightly refused and a fight ensued. My hand had a ripped layer off the back of my hand as I was lifting Wesley away and up.  Chester caught my hand in the attempt to get to Wesley, who promptly turned and bit into my knuckles in reflex as I picked him up!  Three days in  hospital and cleansing out surgery, IV antibiotics. 

That *foster dog attack taught me much more but only after I found out important information on him had been deliberately withheld.  Had I known more, I know I would not have been bitten because my training structure & approach would have been quite different. 

My casual training thereafter, changed, to a more structured effort, incI with mother Polly  and myself towards all her puppies, who remained until min 22-14 weeks before setting off for new homes.   

I grew up in Borneo. My mother was a pioneer in bringing new chicken stock into Sandakan (from Australia; the three day old chicks arrived hatching enroute, by plane) to replenish local inbred & weak stock.  We had around 3,500.  Mum also took on a very poorly sickly orphaned baby orangutan, barely 2lbs in weight, around 1957. That started something else ... and we had nearly 50 over the next ten years as fosters, in our care, plus our own Winnie (that very first one) who survived a #skull, dysentery and Sprue.  (https://rarediseases.org › rare-diseases   Tropical Sprue - NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) The return to normal intestinal structure and function may be slower if treatment is begun later in the course of the disease. 

Celiac disease, also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is a chronic disease of the digestive tract that interferes with the digestion and absorption of food nutrients. People with celiac disease cannot tolerate gliadin, the alcohol-soluble fraction of gluten . https://medlineplus.gov › article

We also had Sun Bears, Clouded Leopards, Macaques, Slow Loris', many different birds, adopted, rescued or wild; many also were re-released. Otter orphaned kits x 3 which were bottle reared. Turkeys, breeding, as well as Gloucester Spot pigs.  A rehomed young racehorse retired early, a circus pony saved from cruel captivity.   Baby fruit bats too, found having fallen onto the floor of a Guantaneman cave I visited on a trip with my younger brother. They would have perished or been eaten.  I brought them home in a handkerchief, cared for these for a week, dropper feeding them and warmth with a towel wrapped hot water bottle.  One of the eight died, but the rest thrived and were released. We also had rescued Giant land tortoises x 2, and and injured Anteater. 

Anyway, I digress. 🙅‍♀️

Reaction to protect and guard, I believe is instinctual to the nurtured cared-for husky and mutually protected species, whether fully domesticated, or minimally (with intent to release back into their natural habitat). 


The pharaohs had their own breed.  Huskies are incredible, compared to any other breed I've had or known. 


Nose - avoids freezing by drying up in subzero temps.  Turns pink in winter = snow nose. Are now being used to find drugs and other items.

Muzzle  - can sense raised temps on ice where this may be dangerous to walk over. Unique trait to this breed. Lead dogs have saved many a musher and his team. They teach the youngsters too. 

Eyes - multiple coloured eyes incl tri coloured eyes.  Blue is due to a genetic change in the eye pigmentation.  Purebred Malamutes only have Brown or Amber eyes. Their eyes are almond shaped, can squint in blizzards, to still see, and their eye physiology has been found they are devoid of Tapedum, which prevents snow blindness. Very expressive too; mine use these sparingly to beg, ask, ignore, or look at me admiringly (usually whenever any food is about!)

Head, incorporating extremely high [and underestimated] intelligence, the ability to think before acting, and...applying LOGIC.  Very fast learners within the right training environment.

Ears -  the Siberian Husky is THE only true Husky breed.  There are many other husky 'types'. Their ears are higher set in relaxed mode than a Malamute.  The Alaskan Malamute was bred to pull far heavier loads, ie, as a work horse for haulage. Their larger body mass takes longer to cool down after extreme exercise.  The Siberian Husky is light of foot, so can traverse more easily over fallen snow whereas the Malamute steps in deeper but has the strength & stamina to work steadily through this.  

Digestion - Unique also in how they can run if necessary for several days without food, breaking down their own bodies safely, for more energy.  Humans go into ketosis if starving.  The husky's digestion used to take only seal or whale blubber, being able to convert this into a full nutritional meal.  They also ate raw frozen fish. Over the years domesticated huskies' diet has changed completely.  They would not tolerate that blubber now.  However, they do not carry enzymes to digest/break down gluten, wheat, maize (uncooked, and require a higher percent of protein in their diet. Certain fruits & vegetable are safe. Raisins & the grape family are toxic, along with other things. 

Legs - Their legs maintain a min 2°C temperature so do not freeze (unless wounded by injury) and have thick fur between their pads.  Nails can actually 'grip' into ice to aid stability and speed.

Coat - double coated after approx six months, there are three lengths.  Short furry, Med furry and long Woolly.   The outer guard hairs protect from extreme cold, and sun. It should never be shavedvor cut unless for medical reasons. It sheds constantly, hence one of eight cleanest breeds. Within hours of a mucky dog, whether from bloody bones to running through mud, they are practically if not wholly pristine!  The undercoat is their 'eiderdown jacket' enveloping the whole body. In times of plenty, and/or seasonal temperature changes, this will 'blow' in huge amounts over several weeks with a sleeker slim appearance until the new undercoat is established. Grooming regularly maintains a healthy breathing coat (avoiding hot spots). They can withstand temps to minus 50°C.  They can & do adapt in equatorial climes, but require diligent care with shade, cool air, and water.  Their belly is very furry but longer/lighter than body coat above - this also stops nipples freezing, as in shorter haired dogs with a smooth almost hairless belly.  This may well account for many belly-up positions if our huskies - they cool off faster.  Huskies dig out a  'den' in deep snow to stay below the icy winds. The famous 'Swish Curl' of tail when making themselves small, covers their nose, to allow warm air escaping to warming the air breathed in.  Huskies carry their tails high and in a curl.  To other breeds this often causes attack because it indicates (wrongly) dominance.  A Siberian Husky tail normally doesn't curl full circle.  A Malamute's tail is tighter and touches down on the back or hangs slightly off centre to the side.  Their tails 'perk up', sitting higher, when happy striding out on a walk, in that comfortable swaying sinuous body motion.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if needed. Have to go for now.. much to do. 

Marianne aka Mazpost-12296-14109077837834_thumb.jpg

Chester (@ 2) with new girl friend Eskimoo (2½) - first day for her (rehomed). post-12296-14112950918289_thumb.jpg

My WHW terriers, Polly Perkins (L) & Wesley her KC reg'd Champion, Dad. He was at stud.  Polly was mated with KC stud dogs from Wales. 20180205_234036.thumb.jpg.488a63bdf138e1150bdd5b978f12c594.jpg

Cruising Dogs.. Chester & Eski.


New long run, shelters on decking, with a new patio decking isolating muddy conditions from the lawn to keep bungalow cleaner. They have 24/7 outside access.








Training time20181211_100333.thumb.jpg.b48c2776edb5943a7d7564cacf38fe44.jpg

Play time with new boy Blu (then 16 mths) L20181218_091037_001.thumb.jpg.5447f86e168b309b03e84bacaca4c666.jpg



Chester & Eski know the ropes - 2014


L-R  from top. Kuala Lumpur or, Tauwau, with mum Henny Mayhook, bro' Peter and one dog.  On the beach with Moses.  Dad & Winnie, Bro Peter age 9, new house & car (in Brunei) with Dad in new business.  Small hairy companion: Chumley with me age 15yrs.  Landslide outside our home, Flagstaff House, Sandakan, North Borneo, ... with Dad & Peter. Half Sister Vivi, with little friend;  Dad (he adopted my sister at around 8 yrs old, and later 10 yrs, me); Dad with Winnie, in all three. 

My biological Mum with Peter who is Dad's son.  I think I just joined the family, from Denmark from a children's home where I had been after a premature birth.  I was then nearly 4 yrs old.  

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Thank you very much for the information. This information will help me a lot! I also recently started collaborating on other projects, including this one with the service Maybe they heard. If not, I highly advise you to stop by and check out the quality of services these guys offer.

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We got our Siberian Husky, Sasha, 6 years ago. We had 2 schnauzers both 3 yrs old at the time when we got her at 9 weeks. She grew up with them. They played together so well. Suddenly at 5 yrs of age Sasha started having seizures. She was on meds to control seizures for about a year when she started biting the schnauzers on the head. She recently suddenly for no reason attacked and killed one of the schnauzers. We are devastated and heart broken. Any insight?

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So sorry for your loss and trauma.

Please muzzle your poor husky to prevent further harm to your other pets, but also to humans reoccurring.  Or separate dogs in turn by crating, until things settle... Look at Green Cuisine cbd oil.  Sold globally from Holland.  British founders. Purest out there and safe. Write to the founders & makers of this on their site. Three drops under the tongue. GC will guide you further. xx

Seizures can give severe pain causing rage and aggression. 

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Thanks. News to me and this is helpful. I am also engaged in writing writing work, do my assignment. My supervisor in university said that i need to start by compiling a bibliography, list of references and sources. What can you advise in this regard? Another point that I need and want to discuss. How do you feel about companies where i can pay someone to do my essay? I found some info here What can you tell about this? Should I contact this company so that they can help me with my homework?

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Tbh - using anyone else to cover your studies & research kinda takes the 'all my own work' out of it. Beware of plagiarism too; study & read up, but use your own words - as if telling another person how you interpret those conclusions, & summarise .. in brief. Find backup articles. 

Use only reliable medical recorded facts off acknowledged sites & science/medical based forums, but if in doubt research any you doubt yourself.

See if you can find a vet near you by reputation, to maybe spend some time with the practice. 

You will have learnt now, how to reference I'm sure, in correct order sequence quoting each site, date and specific author/s as per your task.

There is a wealth of information via GOOGLE, just note every article, refs, date and by name & date as well as when you found it.

Reshare your original post on FB husky forums.  Personally I believe many in rescue orgs have differing experiences, and opinions but remember to stick with facts.

Looking at trainers' sites may also give a better insight as I m sure many dogs come to them for rehabilitation if stressed or traumatised from circumstances, whether hurt in accidents, attacked, abused or neglected.  Both physical and mental abuse can cause many behavioural problems not visual or known to another person, fosterer, adopter or owner.


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