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Smelly Husky yeast infection?


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Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help me.  Every year when the farmers are harvesting my husky gets itchy and miserable so obviously allergic to something that the harvesters kick up. Usually a trip to the vets and piriton and steroids sort her out however it leaves her with a yeast smell for a while.  This year I cant seem to get rid of the smell.  I have recently changed vets (on recommendation), last time I took her and mentioned the smell they drained her anal glands (she has never needed them doing before but hey, they know what they are doing don't they).  I rang them up because the smell is lingering and they said they may need draining again.  Now I know that this is definitely a yeast smell and it happens the same time every year so am reluctant to take her as she really squealed last time they emptied her glands.  I have googled and everything is about diet and topical stuff to put on ears of feet etc.  I cant find anything at all on her skin and know its not her diet as she is fine for the rest of the year.  Any suggestions welcome.......sorry for the long post x

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Thank you both. Angie no it didn't, the smell was still there but it is a very distinct smell and I was once told it was Yeast by another vet as soon as he saw her (or smelt her) he said he knew it that's what it was.  She gets it at the same time every year which leads me to believe its something to do with her allergy from the fields at that particular time of year or something to do with the prednisolone she is prescribed for the allergy.  Its just that this year it seems to be lingering longer than usual.


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Angie I haven't got any medicine from the vet for it, they just want to try and empty her anal glands again which I'm reluctant to let them do as she yelped so much last time and I'm almost positive its not that anyway.  The smell isn't as strong as it was a couple of weeks ago but just wondered if there was anything I could use to eliminate it altogether.  definitely something connected to the allergy or the allergy medication :-( x


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Have you tried foods that are high in protein and you could add anti fungal foods like oregano and garlic as these naturally fight yeast. Yeast feeds on sugar so removing carbs will help fight yeast overgrowth.
If the smell is lingering it may mean she has a weakened immune system, you'd need to speak to the vet about that. Hope you get it sorted.

Sent from my iPhone using Husky Owners

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FYI. My parent's Samoyed kept having "skin" yeast infections some yrs ago. He was itching badly, had a light smell to him & started losing patches of fur. They took him to the Vet & others trying to find out what was causing them. Finally, after many visits & lots of expenses, he tested "positive" for CUSHING's Disease (the same as humans get). He went on meds & all symptoms went away. "KAI" is still living & going on 18yrs old!
(Something you could have your Vet test for??)
For now to help the allergy symptoms, you could give your Baby "Benadryl" with the milligrams "not" going over the "weight" of the dog. (I.e., 50 lbs, give 50mg) or for (36lbs, give 25mg in a.m., & half of 25mg tab in p.m.).
I just wanted to throw that all out there if you wanted to investigate with your Vet.
I really hope you can find out what's wrong so your dog can feel better.[emoji170]


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Kefir (kah-fear) yogurt has multiple benefits. Two tblspns every other day keeps your furkid and you in good health - throughout esp. for good gut bacteria, immunity - as a top probiotic. In large Tescos and any Polish Delicatessen..
Mine have a dash every day. Cranberry and Kefir mixed in 200ml for 3-5 days can also aid urine infections (blueberry juice even better).
And yes ACV is great to restore the body's pH balance.
I have had two teaspoons in a hot cup of water with one Stevia every night (MUST rinse after with water to protect TEETH enamel).. it dissolved my gallstone from 2015 (horrendous attack putting me in hospital for a week; however I was also severely anaemic too - so have halved my blood donation visits now too3f60b07e18e11883d0416a4a298a0d20.jpg25d0ace85ed71655e7746d3e2d8142cf.jpg) and melted off my internal organ fat (6 notches IN on my waist) 🤗

Sent from my SM-G930F using Husky Owners mobile app

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I make kefir cheese from the kefir milk  -  Lunar will drink the milk but Marley won't but will eat the cheese.   Lunar used to have a yeasty smell - and twice went to the vet and had anal glands done (no difference in the smell)  -  since giving them kefir every day  -  Lunar has not had the problem.   Ask around your friends and see if anyone makes kefir  - just get about a tablespoon of the grains from them - add milk  (any sort will do)  leave in a jar overnight - and if the milk is slightly fizzy the next day - its ready.   I now leave 2 or 3 days in the fridge as having gotten used to the taste I like mine a bit stronger flavoured.

To make kefir cheese  -  just wait until the kefir separates out from the whey  - then put through a coffee filter  (leave it to strain overnight in the fridge) and the next day you have kefir cheese.

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