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Angry Vent

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Hey, guys....


I know this is kind of off topic and probably isn't the best place to put this but I absolutely had to just vent and get this out there to a community who supports/loves animals. This is the pretty much the cruelest two days I've ever experienced with dealing with another human being and their treatment (or lack there of) of animals. I've never seen blatant animal abuse in person and this just makes me sick.


I can't include any specific places for legal reasons but here's the gist of it. I live on a major US base in North Carolina, one of the largest. My husband is currently in the armed services and so we live on base housing. Our houses are connected and are two stories. They sort of look like condos with garages. I live in a four house chunck, then there's a separation, and then there's another four house chunk. I'm on one edge and the neighbor I'm about to discuss is on the edge of the next house chunk. I hope that makes sense. Housing is ONLY for military families but spouses without kids (like us) are allowed as well. Because we have sort of strict noise hours, most young, childless couples opt to live off base (the military pays them a bit more if they do). It is entirely abnormal for a "party couple" to therefore move on base.


Our neighbors moved in last week without a moving truck. There were about ten males and eight females moving in a bunch of mismatched, random furniture. There are two large dogs that look like they are boxer mixes or dane mixes. VERY large. I went over to introduce myself and couldn't figure out who the heck were the leasers. Everyone kept giving me a different story. That was odd, but it wasn't my business. The only thing I really got straight was that the leasers were going out of town immediately on "emergency leave". Okay, doubly odd, but I let it go. That Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday night they all partied until four in the morning. It was incredibly rude and annoying but once again, I let it go. I figured they were new, maybe were getting to know some people, whatever. No MPs or anything drastic were called.


Yesterday afternoon I walked outside to take my dog on a walk when I heard a whine. I turned around and the dogs were on the roof of their house!! As I rushed over, one had just jumped off the roof, landed on the car, and ran off (miraculously, perfectly fine!). My husband chased him down while my neighbor and I got another neighbor to carefully lift off the other dog. The dogs were perfectly friendly to us. We knocked on the door to the house but no one answered; we figured they had simply escaped. We brought the dogs into my house, gave them some water, and waited for the owner to come home. The guy who shows up is carrying tons of beer and crap food in his hands as we approach him (remember, we live in a family area and this guy looks like he's preparing for a huge party) and we tell him about the dogs. He says, and I quote: "It's not my problem. I'm just here helping out my "marine". He wouldn't even come and get the dogs from us. This should have tipped us off but I was being naiive. We bring the dogs over to him and the largest dog FREAKED out and wouldn't go into the house. Again, I should have known right then and there but everything happened so fast, I just didn't think about it (I was still reeling from them being on the roof!). Once we got them inside, the guy laughed it off and we left it at that.


As I took my dog on a walk this morning, I heard yet another whine. This time, from the garage (around 0800). I walked over and peeked inside and saw the two dogs in there with a small bowl of water. It's already almost 70 degrees out and humid. This worried me so I called a couple people and they told us to keep an eye on them. We did what we could and the guy never came home. By 1400 it was 90 degrees and they had no water. I called the MPs and got a dispatch to the house.


They opened up the house and found that there was a ton of furniture and beds and stuff in there, like multiple people were living there. This is one of the shady things armed forces sometimes do; they get married to get the extra money and then all their friends live there for free. Like I said, this is family housing. We don't need their shenanigans there to begin with. Not only is it illegal, it's dangerous; many rapes and assaults on base occur when armed servicemen are in places they're not supposed to be. After they went through the house, they went into the garage and found the dogs covered in feces and urine without any water. They had nothing all day.


Because the supposed leasers are out of town, the MPs have to get a hold of them sometime today to explain what we've seen so far, just in case it really is innocent and these other people are taking advantage of their situation. If they don't get ahold of them by tonight, the MPs are coming back tomorrow morning and they're taking the dogs away and the couple will be under official investigation when they return.


I feel so sick to my stomach. I should have gone with my gut instincts. I just can't believe anyone could do such a thing to an animal and to think that they might go through another night of abuse makes me more mad. To top things off, on my dog's final walk an hour ago we walked by the house and yet another random group of people were there. This is just ridiculous. And as far as we know, those dogs are STILL in the garage.


Sorry for the long winded vent. I just don't know what to do. I'm scared the MPs won't come back for the dogs tomorrow. I'm scared that these men will find out I called the MPs on them and will go after me (since they know I was involved with the dogs last night). I'm home by myself all the time as my husband works all through the night. I'm just scared in general.

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Ex-SSG USA here.
Okay, you have two problems (at the minimum)


You don't say whether your husband is deployed or if he's on base; if he's there, of course, discuss the matter with him before doing anything on your own. It would probably be better if he were the one talking to the MP's and Base Housing. For some reason the military tend to get really upset about wives who don't consult with their husbands and situations such as these, even where you're in the right, have been known to adversely affect a soldiers job and career.  Things may have changed quite a bit since I got out, but I'm betting that this isn't one of them.  (( added after I had a chance to think over what I had said. ))


If they continue to be rowdy, call the MP's back out on them,  At the same time, request protection for the reasons you've stated.  They don't belong there, you're alone and in fear of any possibly retribution.  Unless I'm misremembering, if you're in fear of your personal safety they must provide security.  (Note that may mean moving you someplace for the duration of an eviction). If you don't get immediate satisfaction call the CO of the 16th MP Bgd (( 910-907-3930 )) (if you're where I think you are from your description) explain what's going on to him and I'll bet you get some help.


At the same time, call the housing authority, explain what's going on and have these people removed!  If they're civilians, they don't belong there <emphatic period>; if they're military then the housing authority can bring the matter to the attention of their CO's.  In either case, they don't have any right to occupy the premises when the rightful occupants aren't there.


You've got, minimally, animal abuse, unlawful occupation, public nuisance and if I were a sympathetic MP a slew of other misdemeanors (some possible felonies) and violations of the UCMJ.


Go get 'em girl!!!

Edited by Al Jones
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:( it's happening everywhere. Sorry you have to go through this Kendra. I can't believe how would I feel if I see a Dane mix on somebody's roof! :( can't offer any advice but I'd say do anything in your power to kick these peeps out. Good luck! x

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sorry Kedra for what's happening to you.

            Actually i am a military spouse too and we are living in a small town (off base) in which half of the population is military related......i don't feel surprised at all about the random groups of people live in a same military-related house. As a matter of fact, our next door neighbor is like that, we see new faces everyday in their yard, 3 dogs and bunch of kids......hope it will get better in your situation after the owners come back.....  

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Ex-SSG USA here.

Okay, you have two problems (at the minimum)


You don't say whether your husband is deployed or if he's on base; if he's there, of course, discuss the matter with him before doing anything on your own. It would probably be better if he were the one talking to the MP's and Base Housing. For some reason the military tend to get really upset about wives who don't consult with their husbands and situations such as these, even where you're in the right, have been known to adversely affect a soldiers job and career.  Things may have changed quite a bit since I got out, but I'm betting that this isn't one of them.  (( added after I had a chance to think over what I had said. ))


If they continue to be rowdy, call the MP's back out on them,  At the same time, request protection for the reasons you've stated.  They don't belong there, you're alone and in fear of any possibly retribution.  Unless I'm misremembering, if you're in fear of your personal safety they must provide security.  (Note that may mean moving you someplace for the duration of an eviction). If you don't get immediate satisfaction call the CO of the 16th MP Bgd (( 910-907-3930 )) (if you're where I think you are from your description) explain what's going on to him and I'll bet you get some help.


At the same time, call the housing authority, explain what's going on and have these people removed!  If they're civilians, they don't belong there <emphatic period>; if they're military then the housing authority can bring the matter to the attention of their CO's.  In either case, they don't have any right to occupy the premises when the rightful occupants aren't there.


You've got, minimally, animal abuse, unlawful occupation, public nuisance and if I were a sympathetic MP a slew of other misdemeanors (some possible felonies) and violations of the UCMJ.


Go get 'em girl!!!


Thank you for all the great advice! As for my husband, he isn't deployed, he just works long hours at night so when they're the most active, he's gone. I went to him first about this for the exact reason you said; his career. The Marine we spoke to, the one who said the dogs "weren't his problem" even though he is supposed to be watching the house, is most likely a SGT as he said "my Marine", as if he was possibly the NCO of the leaser's shop. My husband is a LCPL, almost CPL, and so I'm sure this guy outranks him. That's why I'm afraid that he'll make things worse as he was not a friendly guy. I'm not shocked the dogs would't go anywhere near him.


They were quiet last night and so I didn't need to call the MPs (and some other guy was out with the dogs, playing with them at least) but I'm on standby right now for the MP dispatch to come investigate the house this morning. If they're in a similar situation, they're going to remove the dogs from the premises.


I'm going to call housing once they open in a couple hours and say pretty much what you did. Regardless of what their intentions are, something shady is definitely going on. No matter what, partying at the leaser's house when they're out of town is illegal here, with or without the added dog abuse!! Luckily, I was able to get a hold of the direct next door neighbor to the house in question and he backed up my statement (I have over six witnesses now). At least this way no one thinks I'm some meddling wife with too much time on her hands xD


Thank you for all the great advice!!!

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:( it's happening everywhere. Sorry you have to go through this Kendra. I can't believe how would I feel if I see a Dane mix on somebody's roof! :( can't offer any advice but I'd say do anything in your power to kick these peeps out. Good luck! x


It's horrible!! I just never thought I'd see blatant abuse or neglect right next door. Seeing the Dane on the roof was so heartbreaking. I was going to do whatever I could if he got skittish and jumped like the other one, even if that means rebreaking my back to catch him. He was so incredibly sweet and you could tell he was, in a sense, grateful. I'm hoping everything gets sorted out this morning!!


I'm trying not to judge the owners right now - maybe they don't even know what's going on behind their backs - but I really doubt it. We'll know in a couple of hours for sure though >:[

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sorry Kedra for what's happening to you.

            Actually i am a military spouse too and we are living in a small town (off base) in which half of the population is military related......i don't feel surprised at all about the random groups of people live in a same military-related house. As a matter of fact, our next door neighbor is like that, we see new faces everyday in their yard, 3 dogs and bunch of kids......hope it will get better in your situation after the owners come back.....  


Exactly!! It's not exactly uncommon off base; I even know a couple people who do that. But on base in family housing when there's a baby right next door?! It's just so inconsiderate not to mention dangerous. Marines make bad decisions when they're drunk, you know? And we're in a culdesac. I have no doubt that they've been driving around drunk on top of everything.


I just hope it all gets taken care of today. For the dog's sake and for everyone else's.

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I know this should be the least of your concern right now (first priority is get these folks out, right?) but what will probably happen to the K9s? I don't know how the legal system over there works so am curious.

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I know this should be the least of your concern right now (first priority is get these folks out, right?) but what will probably happen to the K9s? I don't know how the legal system over there works so am curious.



In my town, the dogs will be taken by our on-base animal control and held for the weekend. They tried to get a hold of the owners last night and so I'm not sure whether or not they actually did. They want to hold them until the owners get back (this isn't the first time MPs have gotten called on house sitters abusing/neglecting the animal they're supposed to be watching). If they don't get back to them over the weekend, they'll be sent to the shelter until the owners get back from leave and can prove that whatever has been happening was either not in their control or something along those lines.


I actually offered to take the two dogs!! They were very sweet, I'm the neighbor, and if I was the leaser in question, I'd feel safer knowing my dogs were with someone on base than with strangers and other dogs in the shelter. Unfortunately, because of how at-risk this situation is, the MPs and housing officials have everything under investigation and don't want to put me at risk.


If the guy hadn't been so nasty to us when we returned the dogs, I would have offered to water and feed the dogs while he's at work. Best of both worlds, you know? But it was pretty clear he didn't want us to know what was going on inside the house and he could care less about the dogs. 


Frustrating :(

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It looks like the MPs were able to get a hold of the leaser last night and the leaser must have called the guy who is watching the house and dogs. While on a walk with Perrin, we peeked in the garage (I know, naughty, but it had to be done!) and the garage was pristine. No dogs, no messes, nothing. As far as we know, they're correctly kenneled and/or in a safer place.


We're still going to keep an eye on the place, especially since it's now the weekend (and a holiday, at that). Still, it looks like the house sitter may have learned his lesson.

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I was out Saturday morning helping my neighbor with a garage sale when I noticed that the guy watching the house was outside on the roof and was trying to get our attention. I walked over (thinking they were going to fix the screen the dog pushed out to get on the roof in the first place) and he asked if I had a later. I said I did not and as I turned to leave, I got a brush of confidence and casually asked how the dogs were. He shrugged and said, "We got rid of them. They're at the pound now."


I just stared at him for a second in disbelief before I asked him why. He claimed the owners didn't want them anymore and they went "door to door" trying to find them new homes (?). When that failed, they took them to the pound. I didn't want to pry as it's none of my business, but I was seriously confused: Why would the original owners even bother to move them in to a new home if they didn't even want them anymore? And secondly, then why would they have someone there to watch them if they didn't care?


He then mentions that the owners were coming home that Sunday. So then, cheekily, I asked; if the dogs aren't there anymore, they why are you watching their house? I am NOT a bold person and that question could have come off as suspicious but seriously. That's just weird! 


Next day, he's not there anymore and no one has showed up at the house yet and it's now Tuesday. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder over there. I'm not sure how I feel about the poor dogs; it is a kill shelter and I think their limit is less than thirty days. It's better they're there than here being abused by that guy, but they're older dogs and now they're separated. It just breaks my heart.

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:( That's very, very suspicious. I somehow suspect the original owners are still away and they do want the dogs. Why move them to a new place if not so?? Did he mention which pound? I'd take a walk around and see how are they doing just because I'm nosy like that.

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