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About calvinandmommy

  • Birthday 03/28/1990

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  • Real Name
    Jennifer Caskey
  • Location
    Wichita Falls, TX
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  • Occupation
  • Biography
    Had two huskies but then got a divorce. Ex still keeps in touch to tell me how the huskies are doing.
  • Interests
    Huskies, other animals, food, travel, English history.

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  1. Hello again everybody. I really wanted to put in the title box, "It's been a long time my old friend".....a cookie for whoever tells me what show that line is from. Anyways just thought I would pop in to say hi and give everybody an update on how things are going. The ex-husband is still technically my husband. We ran into a few problems trying to get the divorce done while I'm in Texas and he is in Colorado. But I am hoping by June for the divorce to be final. *fingers crossed* The ex and I are actually communicating a lot better now that we are split up then we did when we were together....go figure. But we are both happy with where our lives are going not being with each other. He just got a new car recently and he is hanging out with friends more. Which is great but not great at the same time. Calvin is left at home a lot. Josh never takes Calvin anywhere. Calvin never really likes to go anywhere much but I just imagine Calvin at home alone a lot. Granted there are two roommates there but I understand that come summer time neither one will be there and I'm not sure if the one roommate is taking his dog Buddy with him. Now you all are probably wondering about Ned. Ned attacked the neighbors pet turkey a while back (yes pet turkey ). Recently the insurance company called Josh and told him that Ned had to be gone from the property. So Josh is trying to find Ned a proper home. I told him if it came down to the only choice him having was to take Ned to the shelter then to tell me and I would come up and get him. I can't keep Ned but I don't want to see the poor thing go to a shelter. But we will see what happens with that. Now for me....I am currently working at a book, music, movie store called Hastings Entertainment. It is complete crap. I hate working there. I liked it at first because it seemed really laid back but then I learned quickly that that was not true at all. I love the discount I get working there but it doesn't make up for having a horrible boss and backstabbing coworkers. And I just started working there in late December!! One coworker sent an email to our boss the other night telling him I wouldn't look for a book for him that was for an online order.....first I didn't have the time or chance to help him look and second that is his job not mine!! I was even told when I started working there that the online orders are not to be looked for by me unless that is my assignment for the day and it definitely was not my assignment that day! I'll find out tomorrow when I go to work if I get yelled at . On the upside though I get to quit my job soon. I put my two weeks notice in next week. I can't wait! I am going to focus on my art and writing all while I'm on the road with my truck driver boyfriend. I've never been so happy before. I am so excited to travel the country and do what I like doing most. And my mom was the one that suggested I quit my job and go with the boyfriend!! She said she realized how unhappy I was at my crap job that barely paid me enough to pay for gas for my car, and that when I was on the road with the boyfriend before she could tell how happy I was then. And she noticed that any time I talked about going back to school I was never happy about it, I always sounded stressed. So needless to say I am so happy and I can't wait for the end of March which is when the boyfriend will be home, and it will be my birthday, and I will get to go back on the road! I think that is it for the updates for now. Oh real quick.....everybody should really go see the movie The Monuments Men. Such an amazing movie and the book is even better! I get to meet Robert Edsel, the author, next month! Ok that is all....after this picture of Calvin that Josh sent me a little while back....
  2. So I just got word from a friend that Josh is asking my friend if I cheated on him!!! I am so livid because he can't grow a pair and ask me himself. He has to go to a friend to ask what I am doing with my life!! Now it seems like because of this he is being a major jerk to me about Calvin. To me Calvin is still my dog but he just said "in all honesty Calvin is not yours." I am so mad!!! I want to drive 14 hours right now to see him and just punch him in the face!!! I can't go to my boyfriend about this right now because he is not here. I need to find some way to release my built up anger. I want to punch a wall and just scream!
  3. Hello again everybody. It has been a while since I was last on. I don't remember everything that I told you all last so I will just put everything in here. I left Colorado on October 29th and moved back in with my parents in Texas. I sadly had to leave Calvin and Ned. I stayed in Texas for a week then left with a friend who is a semi-truck driver and went on the road with him for three weeks. (Best three weeks ever!) When I got back to Texas I started looking for a job and I got one! I work at a book/movie/and music store called Hastings. I pretty much do everything there. About a week after I go back from my "roadtrip" I got word that Ned broke out of the ex's fence and into the neighbor's yard and attacked two of their turkeys...which they consider their pets. And I found out Josh no longer owned Ned. One of his roommates was now the owner of Ned so the roommate had to pay a $1200 vet bill for the turkeys. A few days after the turkey incident my mom and went back to Colorado to grab the rest of my stuff. And so I could talk to Josh about when he was going to file. That was before Christmas and he still hasn't filed. I am giving him till the 6th of January then I will file. Oh and also he was originally going to give me what the military calls the GI Bill that would pay for me to finish college but he said no. Now I am just getting $300 a month from him. I am definitely glad I got a job so I wouldn't have to live off just $300 a month. and that $300 a month will last until June he decided. But I don't really care anymore. My dad thinks I should demand Josh pay me about $800 a month for 5 years just because the mental hell Josh put me through but I think it is better that he just get out of my life as fast as possible. Granted he has my Calvin but I really don't think I will ever be able to see Calvin again. I think once the divorce is final then that is it he won't want to talk to me or see me ever again. When mom and I went to grab my stuff as we were leaving Calvin jumped up the the front window of the house and was crying out as I walked to the car. Needless to say I started crying. I just left my baby behind there. I don't know what to do without him but I know he is better off their. I can't take care of him here in my parent's already cramped house.Ugh! Divorce is stupid! Anyways other then missing Calvin a lot I am very happy. I have a job and I am going to go back to school in the Summer for an Art degree (and I don't care if I can't get a "real job" with and art degree). And the best part is the friend I went on the road with....yeah me and him are dating now. His name is Levi and I think I may have found the one for me. I have known him since I was 14 so almost 10 years now and I finally am getting my chance with him. He treats me the way I should be treated. And it is amazing!! Ok I think that is it for the updates.I actually have to get ready to go to work now. =) Bye for now everybody. I have added a picture of Calvin, Ned, and the other roommate's dog Buddy. I stole it from Josh's facebook page haha.
  4. Hey everybody! Thank you for the kind words and support. I am still in Colorado with the husband. But my mom just called me and I can tell she is having a hard time fighting her depression with everything going on in her life (big clue was she was crying). I am going to talk to the husband when he gets home from work but I think I might go back to Texas. I don't want to but I can tell my mom really needs me right now. And my grandfather's health is getting worse daily. I really think right now going home to my family would be best. I can live with my parents and get a job down there and save money then eventually move back to FL. The husband and I are not in a very good financial situation we are discovering so we think we may hold off on the actual divorce to save money. Silly sounding I know. But thankfully we are getting along enough that we can stay married but pretty much live our own lives. And if the divorce were to be finalized soon I would pretty much be screwed over big time because I have no money. And finding Ned the right home is really hard. The husband and I both kinda don't want to find him a new home lol. My goal is FL the path to FL is just longer then I expected.
  5. First the husband and I have decided that we are going to find Ned a new more suitable home. He is a great dog but sadly he needs to be on his own for a while. He needs so much attention and training and him and Calvin are still fighting. We unfortunately do not have the proper to to train him. (I feel stupid for getting a second dog now). Now the really big news. For a long while now I have not been happy in my marriage. Because of my unhappiness it has made the husband unhappy. Last week we finally sat down and talked and have come to a mutual decision for our lives and relationship. The husband and I are getting a divorce. Now it's not like we fight a lot or we have cheated on each other. We just finally realized we want very different things in life. He wants kids, I don't, he likes Colorado, I hate it, he hates Florida, I love it. We have decided he will be keeping Calvin. I love Calvin to death but I can not provide him a proper home at the time. I am going to be moving back to Florida at the end of December it looks like. A friend of mine from Texas is going to move with me actually. And we are going to move in with another friend of ours. Currently I am still living with the husband. We are both ok with being around each other. We have decided to say that we are just two friends getting back together instead of saying we are ending our marriage. We are just not meant to be together. Anyways just thought I would let everybody know the latest in my life. After the divorce and move I'll make sure I keep everybody here updated on Calvin with I get updates from the husband. Sorry I am cutting this short I am really tired...working two jobs to save money and going to school is killing me. Good night everybody.
  6. So for some reason I have not been on here in a while. Sorry everybody. Well a little update on everything that has been going on lately..... We re-named Lobo to Ned. He is a major pain in my rear. He will not listen at all to anything we try to teach him, he still pees and poops in the house, and Calvin still doesn't get along with him 100%. I just started a full time job and I start school full time at the end of this month (found out I got the job right after we got Ned). I am super stressed out. We are thinking really hard about possibly finding a home that can give Ned the proper time and training he needs. If I didn't get this full time job I wouldn't mind keeping him. But I just feel like I am neglecting him. I went to Florida for a week last month and am possibly going back in October. Not sure if I will come back to Colorado then lol. I love it so much down there. On top of working full time and soon school full time I am now a Mary Kay skin care/cosmetics sales rep (we will see how long this lasts) and I also make and sell beach themed jewelry now too. I can't seem to make up my mind on what I want to do for a career. Anyways that is the epicly quick update on me and the family. And here is a pic of Calvin and Ned.
  7. Lmao!!! I really wish he was neutered now!! Hahahaha!!!
  8. We are stuck on two names right now....Stannis and Theon. Yes they are names from Game of Thrones lol.
  9. Well it is official! Lobo is now a family member. We met today at lunch. The owner was def just in it for some money. When I gave her the money she took it and said ok thanks and left. Lobo needs a lot of work. He seems to do ok in a kennel, but he is not fixed, and not trained well at all. Oh and he is scared to go upstairs. I guess the owner kept him in the garage from what she was saying. Calvin and Lobo get along but Lobo keeps trying to mess with Calvin's bits and it is slightly annoying. Calvin keeps pushing him away and will yap at him. Hopefully they settle in more with each other soon. If Lobo will sit still long enough I will try to get some more pictures of him lol. And we are figuring out a new name for him...suggestions welcome.
  10. Ever since Drake left to go back to his owner earlier this month Calvin has been pretty depressed. We have been looking for another husky to add to our family but we haven't been actively looking since I will be out of town for two weeks at the start of July. Yesterday though changed all that. I came across an ad of Craigslist for a one year old male husky that somebody was trying to find a home for. I sent the ad to the husband and he said to go ahead and contact them to see how much they wanted. I finally got a hold of the guy and he wants $150. We are meeting the husky tomorrow at the dog park to see if him and Calvin get along. If they do we will be a two husky family again! I am slightly nervous though. All next week the husband will be on leave for work. But the following week I will be gone for two weeks and the husband will be back at work. I just hope the new boy settles in quickly. But I will be sure to post pictures of the meet tomorrow and I will let everybody know if we get this lovely boy. Here is a picture of him from the ad....his name right now is Lobo...
  11. Some of you may remember in March we got a sort of foster Drake. We had to take care of him (possibly get to keep him) while his owner was gone for a few months. Well his owner has been back for 3 weeks now and is moving this week to Georgia. For the past 3 weeks he has not said anything to us about whether we are keeping Drake or if he wanted him back. Well Friday out of no where he told my husband (they work together) I want Drake back Sunday. I am pretty sad to see him leave.Drake and Calvin get a long great now and I truly believe Calvin is going to get sad after Drake leaves. Guess it is time to find a new mate for Calvin. Here are a few pictures of Drake before he goes....
  12. Found this video of a husky loose on a baseball field during a game. http://deadspin.com/husky-invades-ncaa-tournament-game-is-cutest-idiot-on-510897653
  13. I didn't know anything at all about the Warrior Games so I couldn't fake it....may as well be honest. Lol. Now just to find my interview on Sky News. Anybody got any ideas how to find it. I've been on Sky News website looking but can't find it.
  14. I've been quoted in a DailyMail Article!!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2323488/Prince-Harry-honors-wounded-army-veterans-attends-international-Warrior-Games-Colorado-Springs.html
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