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Zinc problems in puppy?


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Hi Folks.

I have been a member of this site for a couple of months now.. have not been the most active of member mainly due to not spending a massive amount of time on the internet but I have read pretty much everything on this site even though I have not been replying lol :D

First off I have a 17 week old Siberian Husky and loving every minute with her! I had never had a puppy sib before but I had rehomed a much older husky due to ill-treatment and fell in love with the breed despite their difficulties back then!

over the past couple of weeks I have noticed that my husky has been getting some sores around her mouth and chin area with the chin area becoming increasingly worse over the last few days..

She has a very stable diet and is not a spoilt dog in terms of food haha.. I take great care in the food I give to Lunar ( my husky) and dont feed her any rubbish lol..

I am wondering if a zinc deficiency can start in a puppy this young and if it sounds like this could be the start of it?.. I have tried to take good pictures but they have not turned out so well so far but I will keep trying to get some....

can someone recommend a main food to suppliment the sardines i have been told she should be given..

And in previous threads regarding Zinc i have been reading that Zinc Gluconate from hollands and barrets seems to very effective...

Or should I really let my young vet who does not know a great deal regarding this condition have a bash at diagnosing her :D

I will insert a nice pic of my baby for you lot have a gander at and thanks for any information you can pass on regarding her possible zinc problem.




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I can't see the rash on your photo? Zinc deficiency in a pup so young is more likely down to something lacking in diet than ZRD (which does not normally become apparent till older). A pic ofthe rash would be helpful B). It won't HURT to try the food/zinc advice I mentioned in another post, but take care to weigh your pup, as she won't need the same zinc dose as an adult dog. Vets can be notoriously crap at diagnosing ZRD, not no mention expensive, and where ZRD is suspected, seasoned owners tend to adopt the 'try it and see' approach with zinc supplimentation.

That said (and without seeing the rash) there are other problems that could be causing it, including skin infections, which would need treating with antibiotics and/or creams. It's likely if you go to your vet, the first thing they'll try are those, before going onto more expensive suggestions like biopsies.

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they did some blood tests but these showed nothing , then skin scrapes, samples under sedation & they didn't come back very conclusive aiming @ anything perticular but if i remember some results from skin samples pointed towards zinc deficiciency, it was along time ago now & can't remember exactly what vets said about it but once started on zincaderm pills it cleared up after a few weeks. she was on 2 tabs daily as its 1 pill per 10kg body weight . she has crusty , sore areas on her face mainly then ears then it started to go to her feet. A pic of her @ the worst time of having it as vet hadn't seen zinc deficiency before & it took them a long time to find out what it was.


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yeah, my Myshka has had all those tests & everything came back normal, absolutely nothing grew on the culture sample, not a jot ... this time, they've done the biopsy, taken some of the crusty bit & some of the healthy bit next to it & testing both lots ... BUT it only shows up on her eyelid area ... really weird

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Hi people thanks for the replies..

I have had Lunar to the vet as her condition was getting worse I have managed to get some pictures of the specific areas so you can see. Our vet didnt really say it was a zinc problem but I dont have great confidence in him so I am looking for a new vet now. Anyone know a good one in the north east :D

I have been treating Lunar with a zinc tablet which is portioned to her weight, I have also introduced some fish and liver to her diet as recommended, we were also sold some shampoo (anti fungal) by the vet at a cost of £35 :( and recommended rubbing sudocreme into the sores which we have started doing.. Any other suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Sarah - Thanks for saying she is stunning I will make a post with some more pics of her, hopefully where you wont see her red mouth :(

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That Pic looks a lot like Kimba's mouth and he had the same problem, I was also told it could be something a bit like teenage spots in dogs? They gave me antibiotics and Sporal-D disinfectant shampoo to use

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  • 11 years later...

Hi there!  I am hoping someone out here can help.  I have a 4 year old husky who has been struggling with zinc deficiency.  I've been giving him 90mg of supplements, high zinc diet and fish oil and i cannot control it.  He's pretty much been on prednisone since Nov. 2021 daily until most recent.  It's been cold in Chicago and he was clearing up nicely until 2 days ago when the weather got warm and it rained... he woke this morning, went outside and bam, full on bloody mess.  I dont know what else to do and really hoping someone out here can offer some advice.  

bear 1 .jpg

bear 2.jpg

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Your poor boy,  I am sure you have, but have you taken him to the vet  - they can give injections to control this problem.     It is usually a malabsorption problem - so you can be giving high zinc foods and tablets - but his body cannot absorb it properly so injections are usually given  - I know of another dog over here that is on injection.

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