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Shaving Northern Breed- detailed explanations, please


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Hello All,

 We have owned Northern breeds for around 2 years now and have never shaved them in any way, BUT, I am in search of some answers that I am having trouble locating. 

Since we have had our dogs, we have heard nothing but "no no no shaving under any circumstance", but no one explains why past the one additional sentence that follows (because it helps regulate their body temperature). Does anyone here know the specifics on this? Further information... extensive information on this...? From what I have read, it could effect them primarily in extreme conditions. 

Would love to break down the science on this so I have a better understanding of my dogs body temperature  reacts to certain situation, but most importantly, their overall health and wellbeing. And of course, to satisfy something ive been wondering about for so long!

References and resources welcome!

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I cannot give you a detailed explanation because I am not an expert  - just a husky owner.      You already know about the regulation of body temperature  - surely the most important item in a breed acclimatised for the arctic suddenly finding itself in conditions it should never encounter naturally.    Also, because of where they have lived for thousands of years huskies have very little pigment in their skin and are particularly sensitive to the sun - so a shaved husky has no protection from the sun's rays - and constant exposure can lead to skin cancer.     Especially for those dogs in warmer climate the double coat also helps protect his skin (and therefore him) against bugs and biting insects.

Your dog will shed naturally in warmer weather - this will allow far greater air movement against his skin and cool him naturally  - when he starts shedding just groom him often to ensure all loose hair is fully removed  - his top coat will protect him from the sun's rays, and also provide good air flow over the skin keeping it healthy and himm cooler.

My husky is a wooly and the fur on his rear end and tail can reach 8" in length - a nightmare to groom  -  but in the summer  (current heatwave where I am) he has a fan to help lower the temperature indoors, a shallow pool outside to walk through so he can wet his feet,  he also was bathed yesterday - it usually triggers a massive blow-out of his coat to help him cope with the warmer weather.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Bit late but hopefully still in time to give an explanation.


Huskies, and a bunch of other breeds have a double coat. The top coat has their guard hairs. It is generally a bit coarse fur. It's the fur you see and feel when you pet them. In the winter, snow and water will stick to this layer of fur and it will prevent the water from reaching down onto their skin where it would otherwise cool them down. This is why huskies are very happy to dig themselves in the snow, or get covered with it.

Then you have the under coat, this is a warm woolen layer (sometimes even being a different colour than their top coat). In the winter this keeps then warm and insulated down to some extreme temperatures. They shed this under layer twice a year. Exactly how much under coat a husky has depends entirely on the climate they life in. They also generally have a much thicker under coat if they're outside dogs vs inside dogs.

In the summer they shed this under coat, which basically leaves a small air gap that lets air circulate around and cools down their skin. In the summer the top coat blocks direct sun light from hitting their skin. THIS is the reason why you do never shave a double coated dog. If you strip away their their guard hairs, you strip them from their natural protection of the sun's uv light. This puts them at severe risk of overheating in the sun.

And while the undercoat grows back really fast, The top coat can sometimes take years to grow back fully. And often it doesn't even grow back properly. I've seen some pictures of huskies who were previously shaven. And it is not pretty.

If you live in a warm climate and your dog is shedding a lot, shaving them is not the solution. Instead help them by brushing out their under coat. An undercoat rakes is a very good tool for that as they take out the undercoat but leave the guard hairs.


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