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Help, my 1 year old Staffy pup is still biting >.<


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I have no idea what to do, my staffy Lexi is 1, so she's still a puppy, but it's becoming a problem now that she's still play-biting because her teeth are obviously bigger and she's a lot stronger now, and also she's still jumping. 

It's to the point now where when she see's other people she's running over to them, jumping up and biting them (not aggressively it's ALL play, I assure you, she's the sweetest dog ever and not any of my dogs have ever done anything aggressive towards people). I've done everything I can possibly think of to correct her, I've yelled at her 'NO' because I get frustrated when she grabs me a little too hard, or jumps on me, I've tried completely ignoring it, i've tried blocking her, I've tried calmly saying no, I've tried redirecting her attention, I've tried everything but hitting, which I absolutely refuse to do. 

However, my dad thinks that doing the 'tap on the nose' is the only way to get her to stop... But I disagree, I really don't wanna 'tap' her on the nose, there has to be another way. 


Can anyone tell me any ways of stopping her? Training Techniques, anything? 


Thank you 


Some pictures of my girls, they're loving Autumn ^_^




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As a pup did people make a fuss over her if she jumped up? That's the mistake I made with Astro, letting him do that/letting people fuss over him. And they get big so fast! I keep him on the lead so it is a little easier, first I made him sit if people approached, I had a treat and I made sure his attention was on me and not the people. If he tried to jump I snapped the lead and started again (I had a slip lead to train him). I progressed from this to walking past people with the treat in my hand, and rewarding him for not jumping. It took a long time for me to train him out of it, he's 2 and a half now and he's a lot better. Dogs can sense the frustration, it's important to stay calm and in control. I use the sharp 'tsk' noise and I jab him sharply in the shoulder if he does anything wrong, this is a technique a dog trainer taught me. If you can, I would really recommend getting a dog trainer to come to your house and go on a walk with you. It was the best thing I did, she made me realise most things he did was my fault, I had let him become the boss! The one I had charged £30 for an hour and a half and she was brilliant. Do you walk all the dogs together? If not it might be worth walking her on her own so you can direct all your attention to her. I also have a water spray bottle, if Astro is ever naughty in the house he gets a spritz in the face! Although now I only have to reach for it for him to think twice about what he's doing :) She's a gorgeous dog! I don't think I've been much help, but good luck!

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Another thing you could try with the biting is replacing your hand with something she can bite, such as an antler or a toy. If she bites you, tell her a firm no (don't shout), if she stops reward her. Try letting out a cry to show her it hurts, this is what her litter mates would have done. Give her the toy to show her what she is allowed to bite instead. I think it's easy to tell dogs don't do this and that, but forget to reward them when they do something good. They only get a reaction when they do bad things which only encourages it more. You could use the clicker and treat method to reinforce good behaviour

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