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Husky-gunner last won the day on July 25 2014

Husky-gunner had the most liked content!

About Husky-gunner

  • Birthday 02/05/1982

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  • Interests
    huskys, football, guitars, martial arts

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  1. Hi its so nice to read of a case of this that has cleared up unfortunately my boy was not so lucky as his immune system just couldnt cope with drugs to fight it. i lost count of the sleepless nights and days i spent trying my very best to help him fight it by cleaning up sores and everything else as just as it started to clear it broke out again i honestly cant think of a more heartbreaking sight than to watch your lovely fur baby have to deal with this. Fur growth can take a very long time so dont worry to much just keep an eye on your fur babys skin as it grows i wish you and your baby a very speedy and safe recovery please keep us upto date on the recovery. And please dont hesitate to ask questions together we will beat this awful condition.
  2. in all fairness i would hate every morning too if i was waking up next to marc
  3. that sounds like a good way to start the week
  4. awwwwwwww love that first pic, congrats on the new pack member all looks to be going well
  5. you work for yourself how bad can it be if its that bad become a better boss treat yourself better lol
  6. there is one every week for 52 weeks of a year and with all the years you have been around i would of thought you would be used to them by now
  7. Aaaaaaaaw thank you guys, my princess won bless her, would also like to thank peter dumbarton for taking the pic of her at last years camp Here are the others that have been messed with
  8. Happy birthday asslinn have a good one
  9. As you know from camp my skye snores a lot lol
  10. Happy birthday emma have a great day
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