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About Duremite

  • Birthday 09/26/1914

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Country Flag
    United States
  • Occupation
    Job hunting
  • Interests
    Animal and Human rights, Activisim, Skateboarding, The interent, Computers, The military, etc

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  1. Hey there Emma. Stormy's links are gold. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and copy paste my answer from one of them. "We currently have nine cats and three huskies. (Two are puppies though so I'm just going to focus on Niko.) Niko started in a house with six cats. He's lived in a house with other cats he hadn't met, had three new cats added (Two of them are four month kittens currently), and even met A LOT of strays on the street. So far, Niko has shown no desire to kill them. There's even been three separate occasions where he's seen a stray running and went to chase but as soon as I yelled "Niko leave it!" he's left the cats alone every time. There was also another time that the run and chase happened so fast I didn't catch it and Niko could have EASILY had that cat if he so desired, luckily, he was just wanting to play and only nosed it. Then there's been a few days that we've come home and Niko's broken out of his kennel and he's never hurt any of the cats in that time period either. (Kennel is fixed now and 'escape proof'.) I know this could change in a heartbeat though, and we are always watching Niko for signs of change. As it is, he's almost always in the room with cats, he has learned since he was a pup that he wasn't allowed to chase, and he doesn't. This of course, is just Niko's individual experience though, and I'm sure it varies from person to person. As for getting older and chasing back.... Simon is 17 and a half years and is to say the least, top shit around our house. He's swatted Niko plentiful of times. There's only been a few times when Simon has been growling after a swat that Niko's lowly growled back and I usually make a noise at him to distract him and then chase Simon off myself and there's never been a problem behind that. In short, it's certainly possible to keep a Husky-Cat household if you keep on top of it. We let the Huskies and the cats mingle and when the dogs ignore the cats, or the dog sees one of the cats run by and doesn't chase, we usually give them a treat. This obviously proved useful with Niko, but again, I can not guarantee results. XD None of our cats are declawed by the way, and we make sure they have safe spots to run to just in case. Cat tree, counter, table, baby gates like mentioned above, etc. Niko is crate trained though, like I said. He might someday graduate and be allowed to roam the house free with them, but he's got a lot more proving to do before that day."
  2. Cheapest thing we could find and put a warranty on. XD Plan to upgrade eventually.
  3. Niko LOVES his antlers. We've only had to buy him two in half a year and he's barely made a dent on the second one. He chews it everyday too. Not to mention, every time the puppies are playing they steal it out of his kennel and share a short chewing session together with it. Used to buy cow hooves too. No longer. Niko threw up the bloody end of one. ><
  4. It just means they're growing. Niko got them a lot as a puppy and both Sasha and Dimitri get them often currently. They'll grow out of it. <3
  5. Glad to hear she's doing better! I'd been wondering about how she was.
  6. Yesterday morning we found Kain curled up in his home. His eyes and mouth were closed and it looks like he passed peacefully in his sleep. Kain was spoiled rotten, loved to pieces, and shall be greatly missed. R.I.P. Kain.
  7. You can run TS3 without lag? XD I'd like to hear this. I also have all the expansions up to Seasons. My computer has a quad core and 6gb of RAM and is still super laggy when running the game.
  8. XD Reminds me of Ashes. She loves sleeping on her back. Black cat trait? I think so.
  9. So glad they're getting along! Both are so gorgeous. <3
  10. Welcome back. Was wondering where you were! Still Freya's biggest fan.
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