Hi there my names Cat and I am a 35 year old Housekeeper from the great old city of Cardiff in Wales.
Now for the fun part.
My partner decided Alaska was a good name.... apparently we are a celebrity couple doing that place naming thing *rolls eyes*
She is 8 weeks old, her last owner lived in a tiny flat, was told he couldn't keep her and needed her out ASAP.
I joined to read about others Huskies, to avoid some toxic Facebook groups that I tried and left within a hour (apparently your not allowed Huskies unless you have had them before, very gatekeepery, nasty with other newbies I didnt even post I read how they reacted to others and got out fast) and to ask for advice if I need it.
I try to google first but I find with each dog breed being so individual general online info doesn't always suit each breed, plus actual owners have tips and tricks as well as actual hands on experience better than any random website journalist writing about something they have no knowledge of.