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NOBELHOWLUC49 last won the day on December 16 2015

NOBELHOWLUC49 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 09/04/1965

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  • Real Name
    Kati Jackson
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  • Occupation
    Post Contracts and Service Co-Ordinator
  • Interests
    Animals, all shapes and sizes

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  1. Shame on you Emma........ :-) Poor Bear.
  2. Ronin Looks asgorgeous as ever, Thor is nealy as gorgeous but not quite. Excellent Photos. :-) Hows Little Tigger??
  3. We had probs with our 2 puppies changed them to Arden Grange not had a problem since. :-)
  4. Poor Nana, she will be a different dog when she has had it done. Facing this with Bella. X
  5. I have two teenagers Howler and Lucky, continually play fighting giving each other little wounds. Noah my Husky has had cancer to the sebaceous gland and this was completely different, it presented as a fatty lump palatable from the surface of the skin and did not reduce. I would recommend any worries that you contact your vet.
  6. Hi Tyla does she have a play mate who she has rough play with?
  7. and Nothing to add. She is so cute. Hope the tummy troubles resolve quickly now.
  8. Happy New Year Clare. Love the pics. They are so Gooooorgeous.
  9. So when did the Yoga classes start. I'm not sure Wodak has quite understood the moves. Looks very cute though.
  10. Ha ha Loved reading this. Can't wait for the next training report. Marley certainly has his looks going for him. Sounds like Lunar already has a large soft spot for Marley. :-)
  11. Here is a photo of Akita pups. I would say your pup was a x between Akita x Husky or maybe Malamute. Who knows. Scout is just gorgeous and I'm no expert.
  12. Love her little freckles on her nose. Hope it was excitement.
  13. Happy New Year Rob & Di. and all your Fur Babies X X
  14. Hoping 2016 Brings happiness and everything you need. X Take Care and see you all in the New Year.
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