Husky Health & Diet
How to keep you siberian husky in good health.
5,307 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hi all The other day Koda our male had some lumps on his nose buy the end of the night it was one large lump on his snout. The next morning i cam down and thought i owned an english bull terrier as his face was really big. I took him the vet and he said he must of had a fight with a bee and lost, so he gave hime an injection and by the end of the day it was fine. (that was last Wednesday) Last night Zikkas (the bitch) face swelled up nad she has also had the runs and she has been trying to vomit the last 3 nights but nothing comes out (only at nights does she do this). When i checked this morning there was what looked like bolod vessels with in her r…
Last reply by Val (Zebedee), -
- 26 replies
weve had haltis for the boys for a while, but since ive been using the walking belt i havent used them , have decided to try and get some loose lead training done, so back to the haltis, only dief snaped his today so we went to the pet shop and brought a canny collar, so then walked dief with canny collar and taz with halti , have to say , cant really see much difference in the effect, both seem to work equally well, does anybody else here use either halti or canny collar, n if so what are your thoughts ?????
Last reply by Bec, -
- 19 replies
I have to start cleaning Greys teeth but i know he wont take to it he will either think its a game and start biting me or will just eat the Brush... Can anyone suggest a good way to clean his teeth i have found these things called White Bites by Arm and Hammer and was wondering if they are any good?
Last reply by davidjk, -
- 26 replies
Hey Guys, i've had shadow 2 weeks and i know he is a pup and we haven't had him long but i have some concerns, bothing too major. 1. toilet trainning, take him out he doesn't go. go inside he pee's?! what, now im not having a rant im finding it funny and frustrating at the same time. 2. biting, now he's not biting me. its my girlfriend, he starts biting her and doesnt stop until i step in. any help ideas? please be kind, no haters either.
Last reply by white-ice, -
- 8 replies
Hey All! Finn is doing quite well with potty training issues (FINALLY), but if I'm home and I forget to close the bedroom door she will pee in there totally unannounced. She just sneaks off and then comes back with no notice. Even when I remember to close the door, she doesn't go to it and scratch any more. She doesn't give any warning. I take her out every hour and she's fine, but at four months old I don't know that I should need to do this, and really, she only pees every few times that we go out, but not at any sort of regular interval relating to when she drinks or anything like that. So, I'm wondering if anyone has…
Last reply by Bec, -
- 12 replies
Ok im sorry for spam post about this bt we tryed shura with that frozen food from pets at home we used rabit tand she ate it really well at first now it seems like shes gone off it and we brought a new flavor ofm kibble she ate it a first now she dont. its like she saying ive had it now dont want it again. am confused also she wont eat sometimes unless 1 or 2 of us stand with her. Any Ideas xx
Last reply by Bec, -
Today I took Kira to the vets for her yearly jags and I thought she had a really bad eye infection ,when we get up in the morning her eyes are really gunky and green and need to be cleaned however the vet said it was pollen that causes it and is very common at this time of year, I asked for eye drops and he gave me steroid and antiinflamatory ,anyone else came across this ?
Last reply by siberianandy, -
- 26 replies
Had to take Sabre to the vets today because he had a fit!! My husband was in bed cos he works nights and was woken up by an almight raket which turned out to be Sabre having a fit in my sons bedroom next door to ours. He said he was shaking like mad and foaming at the mouth and lost all control of his bodily functions. He said that when he came round he just didn't know where he was an didn't recognise my husband at all then something just clicked and he was back to normal again. My husband called for me at work and we took him straight to the vets where the vet said it sounded just like an epileptic fit! I can't believe it as he is so fit and well. The vet also sai…
Last reply by shedalot, -
- 14 replies
hi all, just a quick question, taz who has been house trained for a whils has started peeing in the house again , he will pee on top of where tori has peed, b4 she has even finished , and he has also started peeing up door frames etc, i clean up straight away and then use white vinegar and bicard, but he pees in places where there cant be any previous smells ie he peed up the curtain last night , tori cant even reach there , any ideas as to why hes doing it and how to stop him would be good , at the min we watch him like a hawk and the min he starts to pee or looks like hes going to pee hes put outside , thanx
Last reply by jules dief taz tor, -
- 20 replies
Hiya, Eika came into season over the weekend (i don't know how you guys cope who have got intact females...i can't stand the blood!) Is this too early? I think it's fine as i thought it was between 6 months and a year (she is 6 1/2 months) but everyone who i have said it to is like, oo that's a bit early! She is moping around...and being annoying lol!
Last reply by Sqwidge, -
- 9 replies
Last night a dog trainer friend of ours gave us samples of Connolly's Red Mills food for Bo and our cat. He explained that the food is more popular in the UK. Have any of you tried it and if so, what did you think of it? Just curious....
Last reply by siberianandy, -
- 7 replies
:mad: WHY DID SHE NOT WAIT 2 MORE BL00DY WEEKS TO COME IN TO SEASON?!?!?!??!??? AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Now we have to wait until the 23rd August to START novice classes again...and pay for the extra classes, because they can't go to class whilst they're in season....we had two, TWO weeks left...RARGH!:2gunsfiring_v1:
Last reply by Sarah, -
- 12 replies
have just been out and brought some poles n hoops n stuff, cause the dogs need more stimulation(means im bored lol) , got back and set it up in the garden to see what the dogs thought of it , well it was amusing to say the least , tori is a star, through the hoop , over the jumps no problems , dief n taz , well i nearly wet myself laughing , dief crawled under the hoop , i wouldnt mind but it was so close to the floor he only just squeezed under it , and he only just managed to jump the jump i set for tori , he could have stepped over it , and taz , OMG, you would think i was trying to make him jump through a ring of fire, he was having none of it , he watched tori jump ,…
Last reply by Bec, -
- 23 replies
Bing has what looks like a yellowy discharge in his eyes im not sure if it is tho or if its just 'sleep' i only noticed yesterday so hes not had it all the time it must have just started yesterday, this with his legs n his potential hearing loss is rly beginning 2 get me worried i want ur opinions b4 i ring the vets tho (any1 know if it wud cost me anything for a check up if he doesnt need any meds?) heres a pic ov each eye (in the 2nd one his eye looks red too)
Last reply by BingBlaze n Skyla, -
- 13 replies
right i have decided its time to get the pack trained, i have been looking on the net and seen a few sites , some look ok others dont lol, my question is (cause never trained a dog b4) what do you think would be best , a class setting or one on one , or should i say 1 on 3 , lol, has anybody here had any sucess with either type of training ?will post a link to the place im leaning towards
Last reply by Sqwidge, -
- 17 replies
right, we are looking at getting a new pup and have found a breeder that we like that has pups. the only thing that is worrying me at the moment is that the pups will be ready to leave on the 15th aug and we are going away to scotland on the 19th aug, we would obv take the pup with us and we are going in our own caravan, apart from the pup not having its injections can anyone else see a problem with this?
Last reply by siberian_wolf, -
- 11 replies
hi just wondering about hip scoring, taz's parents were tested in different years and the scoring is different ,sire tested 05 hip score 5/5, dam tested 03 hip score 4/7, can anybody explain this to me , and when can you get your dog hip scored , and should it be done every year ?
Last reply by debs, -
- 29 replies
My 3 are frontlined every month (we use the 20-40kgs dog pack) and it says that frontline prevents and also treats ticks (as well as fleas and other external parasites) but the past few days now I have been finding ticks on all 3 of my boys. Luckily I have been finding them just crawling over the fur and not actually suncken into the skin until thismorning when I was having a cuddle with Gizmo and found a big one latched onto his throat area :eek: Luckily managed to remove it along with the head and teeth!!! What I dont understand is if froontline is meant to prevent ticks then why am I finding them on my 3? I always check they are in date before I use it.…
Last reply by siberian_wolf, -
- 9 replies
Hey All! Long story short, I had a friend's dad pass away and went to donate blood to feel less useless. When I came home I took Finn out of her crate and out to potty quickly and then we came back in and had a little lay down, and she came up on the bed with me and had a snooze. Well, because I was a pint short on blood, apparently I slept for 3.5 hours and she must have gotten up at some point and gotten into the trash. It's the first time she has done it and it's my bad for leaving the bag in the kitchen, but to be fair, she opened the cupboard door to get at it. Anyhow, when I woke up there was trash everywhere and she greeted me by puking at m…
Last reply by siberian_wolf, -
- 26 replies
Hello, I am very very annoyed that i have to post this, but we have had some complaints made against us by our neighbours regarding Suka's barking...My question to you all is, how do i stop it...He doesn't do it all the time, he doesn't do it at ungodly hours, and as far as i am aware he doesn't do it when he is left alone during the day... What i do know is he does do in the morning when he is waiting for his breakfast, he does do it if we shut him in after he has been playing outside, and he does do it if one of us stands in the front garden, or if someone walks down the alleyway between the 2 houses, he also barks if he hears our car leaving/retur…
Last reply by sammie, -
- 43 replies
For 5 days, Sheba has had this bump below her right eye. Does anybody have any idea what this could be? Should I call the vet or wait a few more days?
Last reply by shedalot, -
- 16 replies
dief has just bitten taz's foot, he has broken the skin on both sides of the foot, taz is looking all degected, and dief is now eating his tail lol, have cleaned the wounds with salt water , and put some doggie antiseptic powder on it , what do other peeps use ????
Last reply by siberian_wolf, -
- 4 replies
Along with the training tip clips I found I thought this one would be better suited to its own thread as it is REALLY useful, not to mention something you can show off here is the training video [ame] [/ame] and on this video is physical proof that it really can be done [ame] [/ame]
Last reply by siberian_wolf, -
- 0 replies
So I was actually trying to find some funny videos then I found a huge, never ending, list of training videos! I found some of them quite interesting and thought I would share them with you all. I will admit I dont agree with everything on the clips but they could help us all out in one way or another: [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame] [ame] [/ame]
Last reply by siberian_wolf, -
- 17 replies
heres one for those in the know, do you have to use the standard mushing terms , or can you use your own ?????? and what have you found to be the best way to teach them , ive been walking the boys on a walking belt , with them attached to each other with a coupler now for a while, have been using woooooaahhh to get them to stop , and wait to make them stay, and hike for go , on by for sort of go past and ignor stuff, but left and right have got me stumped , any ideas welcome,
Last reply by jules dief taz tor,